Mid-term Review Network Security
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security2 Secure channel SSL SSL (and many others: incl. IPSEC) Shared key establishing Trusted party (Kerberos, etc. - to be covered) Public key methods
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security3 Public Key techniques Diffie-Hellman RSA N=pq; ed 1 (mod (N)) Public: e,N; Private: d,N Encrypt(m): c m e modN Decrypt(c): m c d modN Sign(m): s m d modN Verify(s,m): s e m (modN) AliceBob ab p, g m a g a mod pm b g b mod p mama mbmb m b a mod pm a b mod p=g ab mod p= shared secret key! Discrete log: Given y,p,b Find x: b x mod p = y ? Factoring: Given N=pq Find p,q
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security4 Discrete log based schemes DH, DSS (El-Gamal); Elliptic Curves Cryptography (ECC) Why modulus (p) is so large? Big-step/Little-step attack Pohlig-Hellman attack: Beware of primes p with only small factors φ(p) Safe primes: p=2q+1 for some prime q
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security5 Factoring based RSA Square Roots (=factoring) Rabin (Encryption,Signature) Fiat-Shamir (ID scheme, Signature)
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security6 World mod N How many objects? |Z * N |= (N); for all z Z * N, z (N) mod N=1 If N=pq, then (N)= (p-1)(q-1) [ If N=p, then (N)= p-1 ] Blum integers: N=pq, p q 3 (mod 4) Then x (p+1)/4 mod p= y; y 2 x (p+1)/2 x (p-1)/2 x ±x mod p
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security7 Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) Given y 2 =x mod p; z 2 =x mod q; N=pq; Find s: s 2 =x mod N More generally: Given a,A, b,B; Find x: x=a mod A, x=b mod B Let u, v be s.t. uA=1 mod B, vB=1 modA Then x=uAb+vBa [indeed:x mod A = uAb+vBa = vBa = a; x mod B = uAb+vBa = uAb = b ] How to find u,v?
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security8 Extended GCD & Inverses Euclid’s GCD algorithm (greatest common divisor): gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, a mod b) =…= c Extended GCD gives in addition x,y: ax+by=c If gcd(a,b)=1: ax (mod b) =1 i.e., x=a –1 in Z * b
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security9 Summary RSA & Rabin RSA Given p,q; Can compute (N), for N=pq; With Extended GCD, can compute e, d = 1/e mod (N); [ gcd(e, (N)) must be 1 ] Rabin Using Blum integers can compute SQRT mod p,q Using CRT can combine them to SQRT mod N
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security10 Efficiency for all Exponentiation: Repetitive Squaring b A mod N takes 1.5 lg A long multiplications Cost of multiplication quadratic in length Optimization: mod N mod p + mod q +CRT Watch out!
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security11 Attacks on factoring (N), N => factoring (quadratic equation) Trick: obtain x, s.t. x=0 mod p, x 0 mod q gcd(x, N)=p SQRT modN => Factoring v y 2 mod N; z SQRT modN (v) If z ±y, then x y-z Computing mod p + mod q + CRT Random error mod p (or mod q) => factoring
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security12 Key Establishing Diffie-Hellman or RSA Watch out for man-in-the-middle attack!!! Authentication (signatures) PKI ARemember AKE: authenticated key establishment Beyond AKE Ciphers MACs
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security13 Ciphers Block ciphers DES, AES, 3DES, … Modes of operation: EDE, OFB, CBC, … Stream ciphers Pseudo-random pad
Gene Itkis: CS558 Network Security14 Later in the course Crypto Hashing MD5, SHA MAC Systems PKI Kerberos - key distribution (symmetric crypto) IPSec - security on another level Firewalls, IDS, etc.