POWERPOINT ANIMATION AND OTHER THINGS Information Technology College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2011 William Holmes 1
PAGE ANIMATION Page transition uses preset animation schemes—Slide Show, Slide Transition, Preset Animation Element transition uses custom animation— Slide Show, Slide Transition, Custom Animation Applies to selected elements, individual slides, or all slides 2
ANIMATED DRAWINGS 3 inputthroughputoutput
GIF ANIMATIONS Animated clips are inserted like pictures from files Can be downloaded from websites Are embedded in the Powerpoint file 4
Clip Animation Guidelines Acquire already animated Use animation software Use multiple images 5
MOVIE ANIMATION Multiple formats – avi, mpeg, mov,rmv Large files Not usually stored in Powerpoint file, must be linked Short clips from digital cameras Video clips with video capture cards 6 Clip animation
Need to Package Animations Putting all needed files in same directory Putting all files on same media “Packaging” files for export “Unpackaging” files for showing May need to include add-ins to run or display files 7
TIMING POWERPOINTS Fixed timings with animation advance slide Rehearse timings in Slide Show tab Using Rehearsed timings Recording Narration 8
ANIMATION GUIDELINES Transition between slides for drama Choose appropriate clips or movies Don’t clutter visual field Use humor for relief. Avoid humor for seriousness. 9
FAIR USE OF MOVIES Note copyright status Note owner restrictions Note non-commercial usage Note “immediacy” rule Note “excerpt” rule 10
DOING YOUR OWN VIDEOS Write script Set staging Check lighting Rehearse Accept multiple shots Beware overloading and distractions in visual field 11
POWERPOINT LINKING Typing in URL’s s/classes.htm s/classes.htm Inserting in hyperlinkshyperlinks Make sure links work 12