Events, experiences and stories
The Experience Economy Pine and Gilmore 1999 Commodity Services Goods Undifferentiated Differentiated Market Premium Price Positioning
Service quality is no longer a source of competitive advantage Services are becoming commoditised –hotels and flights sold by price over the ‘net –brands no longer add value
The key to competitive advantage –Create a unique and memorable experience ‘Experience companies’ out-perform the market in price growth and sales volume Dramatise the service encounter ‘Work is theatre and every business a stage’ Commodity Transformations Experiences Services Goods
A new metaphor for business The military metaphor Strategy Planning & tactics Plant Operations Manpower Responsibilities The theatrical metaphor Drama Scripts Stage sets Performance Cast Roles
Work is theatre... when the customer observes it, when staff work in front of customers, you need to put on a performance Events as ‘experiential marketing’? Factory tours Demonstrations and sampling familiarisation trips
Events as ‘unique and memorable experiences’ –big match hospitality –unusual venues –participatory events
Putting on a show... Set the scene -aesthetics, ambience, themes create a script - characters, tension, surprise give a performance –get into character, but become the role engage and involve the audience send them away with memories and memorabilia
The Dream Society Rolf Jensen (1999) Needs and wants are easily satisfied What sells now are dreams and aspirations The most precious resources are stories –that spark the imagination –that reflect how we see ourselves –and how we want others to see ourselves Events dramatise the story of the brand
The emotional market for stories Adventure Love and friendship Care and healing Self- discovery Peace of mind & spirit Causes and beliefs Adapted from Jensen
What events will engage the interest and emotions of the target audience? be unique and memorable? dramatise the brand’s story, value, benefits? Event experience Company Message Based on Millward Brown’s link test
Pine, BJ & Gilmore JH (1999) The Experience Economy Harvard Business School Press Jensen, R (1999) The Dream Society McGraw Hill