Matching Data Dissemination Algorithms to Application Requirements John Heidermann, Fabio Silva, Deborah Estrin Presented By: Bryan Wong
Outline Introduction Problem Description Diffusion Routing Algorithms Evaluation Conclusion
Introduction Data dissemination algorithms are application specific Reduces communications costs by replacing communication with computation in the network As number of protocols and sophistication of applications grows, choice of communication algorithm becomes a problem
Problem Description How can diffusion address application- specific requirements?
Robustness Requirements Applications must be robust to change: Wireless links come and go Nodes fail or move How can communication be robust but also efficient for many different applications?
Application Requirements Sensor network applications have different needs Different traffic patterns (many-to-one, many-to- many, one-to-many, one-to-one) Different data rates (fixed and variable, frequent and infrequent)
Solution Match routing algorithms to application requirements
Multiple Diffusion Routing Algorithms Two-Phase Pull Diffusion One Phase Pull Diffusion Push Diffusion GEAR
Two-phase pull diffusion Initial diffusion implementation Periodically floods data sink’s interests and exploratory data
GEAR Adds support for geographically scoped queries If nodes know their locations, then geographic queries can influence data dissemination Replaces network wide communication with geographically constrained communication
Push Diffusion Reverses the roles in the publish/subscribe API Floods only exploratory data messages
One-phase pull diffusion Subscriber based system that avoids one of the two phases of flooding in two-phase pull Only floods interests No exploratory messages
Sample Applications Push reduces message count by ~60% compared to two phase pull
Sample Applications GEAR reduces message count by ~40%
Systematic Evaluation
One-phase pull is best with many sources, few sinks Push works best with many sinks and few sources
Conclusions The break even point between the two algorithms depends upon specific control message frequency as well as application data rates For networks with more than a few dozen nodes, the benefits of geographically-scoped queries can outweigh other algorithmic choices
References ers/Research%20Review/015_Silva.pdf