Early Limnology: Temperature Profiles
Lake Zones Zones are dynamic! Input of heat Mixing forces
The stratification and mixing cycle of an average-sized, temperate lake
Stratification and Mixing
The Whole Cycle in One Confusing Figure!
Factors that influence stratification pattern Heating / Density Wind / Waves Depth Surface Area Topography / Location / Exposure
The Family of Lake Cycles Temperature Incident Solar Radiation
The Family of Lake Cycles
Amictic Perennially ice-covered Inversely stratified
The Family of Lake Cycles
Cold Monomictic Water temperature never exceeds 4 C Ice-covered for most of the year = inversely stratified One period of free circulation in summer at or below 4 C
The Family of Lake Cycles
The Family of Lake Cycles
Warm Monomictic Circulates once in winter at or above 4 C Directly stratified for the rest of the year Not ice covered
The Family of Lake Cycles
Oligomictic Stable, direct stratification most of the year Circulation at irregular intervals (scale of years) during cool periods
The Family of Lake Cycles
Polymictic Frequent periods of mixing per year Not ice-covered
Cold Polymictic Equatorial, high elevation Hovering around 4 C Intense heat during day (stratification) Intense cooling at night (mixing)
Warm Polymictic Warm throughout (i.e., well above 4 C) Sometimes get intense heating of epilimnion = development of weak stratification.
Holomixis: Circulation occurs throughout the entire water column. Meromixis: Primary water mass never mixes with the lower portion.
Stratification in meromictic lakes Monimolimnion: deep stratum, high salinity Chemolimnion: strong salinity gradient Mixolimnion: upper stratum (i.e., epi-, meta-, and hypolimnion)
How does the salt get there? Ectogenic meromixis Crenogenic meromixis Biogenic meromixis
Consequences of meromixis Monimolimnion = Dead Zone Chemolimnion = Heat Trap
More Blue More Red Frequency Wavelength
Consequences of meromixis Hot Lake, north-central WA On top of epsom salt excavation High MgSO 4 in monimolimnion Temperature in monimolimnion can get to 50 C!
Why Lake Circulation Matters: Lake Nyos Gas Disaster
Lake Nyos Degassing Project Pipe is 203 m long and 14.5 cm in diameter. Upper end attached to raft and supported by lines to shore.
Oxygen Light Temperature
Patterns along the “river continuum” Oxygen Light Temperature
Temperature along streams
Temperature fluctuations along the streams
Effect of Groundwater on Stream Temperature: Nyack Floodplain, MT
Oxygen along streams DO in unpolluted, flowing water usually at or near saturation, and concentrations are of little biological significance.