Study of B D S ( * ) D* * and D ( * ) (4 ) at CLEO Jianchun Wang Syracuse University Representing The CLEO Collaboration DPF 2000 Aug , 2000 Columbus, Ohio
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang2 Introduction Test theoretical understanding of hadronic B decays (Factorization, HQET, Hadronic Matrix Element towards CKM parameters, etc) Known B decay channels: Semileptonic modes 30 % Hadronic B decay modes 12 % (J/ K ( * ), D S ( * ) D ( * ), D ( * ) (n ) ) Many modes need to be identified Average # of charge particles in hadronic B decays ( 5.8) Large fraction of B decays to higher multiplicity final states
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang3 Partial Reconstruction of B D S D* Features of the decay: D S D* back-to-back, follow D* direction Full reconstruction of D S (D S , K K ) and 8 unknown, 8 constraint 2 solutions (quadratic ambiguity) Parameters used in the fit ( independent on the choice ): : angle between -p Ds and p 0 : lower kinematic limit of p Ds : magnitude of D S momentum s : decay angle of slow in D* frame DSDS D* D B° DSDS D* DD
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang4 Distribution of cos 0 cos Signal: D S ( * ) D* , D S ( * ) D** , D S ( * ) D** (sharp peak, not distinguished) Background:BB MC, continuum (constraint from off-resonance data) Select candidates at peak, number of background fixed for later study D S ( * ) D* ( * ) : 24.0 BB background: 5.2 continuum: 74.8 cos 0 - cos
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang5 Separation of Signals Fit in two-dimensional space: p Ds and cos Total 4 parameters in the 2-D fit: # of D S D* (D* is longitudinally polarized) # of D S * D* L / # of D S * D** (mixture of 12 modes) D S D* D S * D* D S ( * ) D** D S ( * ) D**
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang6 Projection of 2-D Fit 2 = for ndof=130 4, CL=84.1% D S momentum (GeV) cos D S ( * ) D** ( 81.6 23.4 )
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang7 2-D fit without D S ( * ) D** D S momentum (GeV) cos 2 = for ndof =130 3
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang8 Results from 2D Fit Fitted yield: # of D S D* : 92.7 14.3 9.3 # of D S * D* : 30.4 20.3 # of D S ( * ) D**: 81.6 23.3 14.8 Branching fractions: B (B° D S D* ) = ( 1.10 0.18 0.11 0.28 ) % B (B° D S * D* ) = ( 1.82 0.37 0.25 0.46 ) % B (B D S ( * ) D**°) = ( 2.73 0.78 0.51 0.68 ) % D S * D* : L / = ( 50.6 13.9 3.6 ) %, consistent with factorization prediction of 54% Uncertainty on B (D S )
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang9 Full Reconstruction of B D* + + B° D* + + °, D* + D° + (D° K +, K + °, K + + ) Similar spectra observed in D*°(4 ) 358 29 E B sidebands signal Fit B yield in each M bin
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang10 The + Mass Distribution What are the decay mechanisms for the (4 ) final state ? Examine the ° mass spectrum (2 combinations/event). All 3 D° decay modes summed Enlarged & Dalitz plot exterior removed M (GeV)
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang11 The Mass Distribution Possible resonance ( temporarily called A ) Simple BW fit: M=1419 33 MeV, =382 44 MeV D D only D o K + All 3 D o decays used
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang12 D ( ) Angular Distributions For a spin-0 A, the D* & would be fully polarized Spin 0 2 /dof = 3.5 (cos D* ), 22 (cos ) Ruled out Best fit L / = 0.63 0.09 (D ), 0.10 0.09 ( ) Spin-0 expectation
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang13 The D Final State Signal: | E|<2 (18MeV) Sideband: 3 <| E|<7 No signal in sidebands D (D + K ) D (D o K + ) 88 18 E B sidebands Signal
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang14 The Mass Distribution Breit-Wigner: Mass = 1415 43 =419 110 MeV D and D modes combined (179 events) Consistent with D* result Combine D* and D fit results: mass = 1418 26 19 MeV = 388 41 32 MeV
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang15 The Angular Distributions in B D A A between in A frame & A boost direction between normal of decay plane & boost between & decay planes Small efficiency corrections applied For 1 + and 2 , the longitudinal ratio ( L / ) floats 1 - preferred, 2 /dof (1 - ) = 1.7, (2 + ) = 3.2
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang16 Identifying the A with the Variety of resonances in between 1-2 GeV, which are poorly studied due to limited statistics or wide width Clegg & Donnachie: ( ( e e , ) find two 1 states with (M, ) = (1463 25, 311 62) MeV & (1730 30, 400 100) MeV, only the lighter one decays to , mixed with non-qq states Godfrey & Isgur: Predict first radial excited at 1450 MeV, =320 MeV, B ( )=39%
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang17 Evidence for from Decay ’’ Difficult to ascertain the Mass and Width CLEO signal sidebands
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang18 Summary & Discussion of Rates dominates the final state B D ) / B D ) = 1.04 0.21 0.06 B D ) / B D ) = 1.10 0.31 0.06 B D ) / B D ) = 1.06 0.17 0.04 Consistent with Heavy Quark Symmetry prediction ( ratio = 1 ) With B ( )=39%, (B D (*) ) ~ B D (*) )
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang19 Factorization Test Factorization: L / (B D + h ) = L / (B D + l )| q 2 =m h 2 Excellent agreement between measurements and predictions 63 9 50.6 13.9 3.6 D S * 87.8 5.3 L / D* + +
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang20 Model-dependent Decay Constant of (B D + h ) / d /dq 2 (B D + l )| q 2 =m h 2 = 6 2 c 1 2 f h 2 |V ud | 2, c 1 =1.1±0.1 Measurement: f 2 B ( ) = ± GeV 2 Godfrey & Isgur predict: B ( ) = 39% Our measurement f = 167 ± 23MeV ( f 220 MeV )
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang21 Summary Branching fraction of B D S ( * ) D* ( * ) measured Large branching rate of B D* D* and D modes found For first time, observed in B decays (hep-ex/ ) Coupling large, may be similar to Relatively clean place to establish mass and width, we find M = 1418±26±19 MeV, = 388±44±32 MeV L ( B D*h ) for h = , and D S * consistent with factorization predictions (B D* ) / (B D ) satisfy HQET
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang22 Distribution of cos 0 - cos
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang23 Distribution of D s momentum
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang24 Distribution of cos