Model-View-Controller ("MVC") This is a architectural design pattern for interactive applications. This design pattern organizes an interactive application into three separate modules Most Web-tier application frameworks use some variation of the MVC design pattern. Allows for parallel development since the application is modularized.
Model The application model is where the data representation and business logic for the application will reside. All back-end processing resides within this tier –EJB’s –Java Classes –Data Access Objects
View Provides the visual and data presentation to the application user Manages the user input captured from the application user. WML and HTML presentation sites are maintained within this layer of the framework
Controller The controller is responsible for all the interaction between the Model (back-end) and View (presentation) layers. It is also responsible for dispatching requests and controlling application flow
Development Environment Net Beans 3.5 (Java IDE) Dreamweaver 4 (HTML and WML development) Front Page (HTML and WML development) Ant (Build system)
Development Environment
Result: J2EE Web Application Module The J2EE Web Application specification defines how to package resources into a portable Web Application archive (.war ) This allows file to be deployed on multiple application server (such as WebLogic Server and Tomcat) that supports J2EE Web Applications.