Chris Harris & Alison Cares Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology
Gender Differences in Violent Victimization Male > Female Female students < Female non-students Male students = Male non-students Victimization Characteristics Almost all victimizations off-campus Most at night (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Most perpetrators are strangers
Reporting Most violent victimization go unreported to police College Students < Non-Students College Students = low reporting rates
Total Criminal Offenses On UML Campus Murder/Manslaughter000 Sex Offenses143 Robbery050 Aggravated Assault9104 Burglary Motor Vehicle Theft479 Arson114
Fear of Crime Reality of Crime Behavior
Estimates of student victimization Gauge perceptions of safety and fear of victimization on campus Evaluate behavior related to victimization and fear of crime Measure knowledge and perceptions of campus support services
Funding provided by UMass President’s Office Web-based survey April of 2008 Students who were on campus students in Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 Students invited via with a web link Half of students also were mailed a letter 26% response rate = 1670 Respondents
Student DemographicsPercentages Gender Male50.0 Female49.7 Transgender00.3 Race White81.3 Black3.5 Hispanic4.8 Asian/Pacific Islander12.2 Other3.3 Age
Student DemographicsPercentages Class First Year20.5 Sophomore22.9 Junior22.7 Senior18.5 Graduate student15.4 Time on Campus (undergrad) Full time95.3 Part time4.7 Residence On campus40.9 Off campus59.1
UML Campus Safety Survey
Student Reports of Victimization for Fall 2007 Violent Victimization10% (174) Harassment/Stalking5% (81) Physical Assault5% (76) Threat of Physical Harm1% (20) Sexual Assault1% (19) Property Victimization13% (213) Stolen/Damaged Property10% (163) Break In (or attempt)4% (62) Identity Theft2% (27) Any Victimization20% (335) N=1670
Violent Victimization Physical Assault: Men > Women Sexual Assault: Women > Men Stalking: Women > Men Threats of Physical Harm: No Gender Difference Property Victimization No Gender Differences
Location of Victimization Type of VictimizationOn CampusLowell Violent Victimization Harassment/Stalking53% (43)10% (8) Threat of Physical Harm50% (10)30% (6) Physical Assault45% (34)33% (25) Sexual Assault32% (6)11% (2) Property Victimization Stolen/Damaged Property79% (129)15% (24) Break In (or attempt)65% (40)36% (22)
Violent Victimization Physical Assault22% (16) Harassment/Stalking9% (7) Threats of Physical Harm5% (1) Sexual Assault0% (0) Property Victimization Break In (or attempt)65% (40) Stolen/Damaged Property41% (66) Identity Theft37% (10)
UML Campus Safety Survey
How safe do you feel on campus? Very safe32.2% Somewhat safe56.5% Somewhat unsafe9.2% Very unsafe2.1% N=1555
How safe do you feel in these locations at night? Locations (%)Very Safe Somewhat safe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Lecture halls Libraries Dining halls Dorms Gathering places Bus stops Parking lots Walking around Labs Music rooms Art studios
How afraid are you of becoming a victim of crime on the UML campus? Very afraid7.1% Somewhat afraid28.1% Not afraid45.5% Not afraid at all19.4% N=1475
How worried are you that in the coming semester, someone will… Crimes (%)Very worried Somewhat worried Not worried Not worried at all Steal/damage your property Assault you Sexually assault you Steal your personal info Threaten/harass you Threaten/assault you (hate crime) N=1475
How often have your activities on campus been affected by fear of crime? Most of the time1.8% Some of the time10.6% Occasionally25.3% Never62.2% N=1437
Since last semester, have you …. Yes (%) No (%) Asked someone to watch your property while unattended Asked someone to walk you somewhere after dark Avoided certain areas of campus at night b/c of safety concerns Avoided certain areas of campus during the day b/c of safety concerns Avoided parking your car in certain lots b/c of safety concerns Avoided classes b/c of safety concerns Avoided classes b/c someone made you feel threatened Avoided certain campus events b/c of safety concerns
During last semester, did you every carry any of the following items on campus to defend yourself or get others’ attention in case of an incident?* Yes (%)No(%) Keys in a defensive manner Whistle Mace Pepper spray Knife Gun** Other (typically cell phone) None of the above N=1328 *Students could indicate multiple items ** n=5
UML Campus Safety Survey
Service (%)AwareUsedWould Emergency/Blue lights87%3%n/a Online campus safety advisories 47%29%67% Student disciplinary system52%7%n/a Property engraving23%<1%68% Student services escort89%53%60% Self-defense classes52%2%48% Counseling services84%13%70% Text messaging alert system50%n/a
Services (%)Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Student services escort (n=708) Counseling services (n=175) Campus Ministry (n=84) Campus Police (n=1320)
How would you rate… Item (%)Very good GoodPoorVery poor Lights at night of campus parking lots & walkways (n=1325) Security of university buildings (n=1325) Security in dorms (n=614)
UML Campus Safety Survey
How often people use alcohol at parties All of the time53.3% Most of the time31.6% Occasionally11.5% None of the time3.6% How often people use drugs at parties All of the time3.8% Most of the time9.7% Occasionally38.8% None of the time47.7% N=585
How often do you drink in an average week? Never36.2% Less than once a week32.8% 1-2 times a week24.5% 3-4 times a week5.7% 5 or more times per week1.0% N=1325
Did you use drugs last semester? Yes5.2% No94.8% N=1261 Which drugs did you use? Prescriptions (more than prescribed)66.6% Hallucinogens45.4% Cocaine/Crack22.7% Speed/Ice/Meth/Uppers13.6% Marijuana11.5% Downers/Barbituates/Benzos6.1% Sniffing/huffing glue aerosols, etc.3.0% Heroin3.0% N=66
What’s working: Vast majority of students feel safe on campus and do not worry about victimization Most students are satisfied with university services when they use them Knowledge of some services is very high
What needs improvement: Students feel unsafe outdoors, feel lighting is inadequate, and feel very vulnerable traveling (or waiting to travel) between campuses Students don’t know about programs to assist them if they worry about crime, like self defense classes and property engraving
Detailed look at victimization incidents Bystanders Support seeking Help seeking Victim versus Non-Victim Fear of Victimization & Perceptions of Safety Behavioral Male versus Female