Successful ESCO projects and Climate Change in Mexico Milano, Italy. December 1, 2003 Ubaldo Inclán Underministry of Energy Policy and Tecnologic Development National Commission for Energy Conservation
CONTENIDO Energy Sector Activities for the fostering of mitigation projectsEnergy Sector Activities for the fostering of mitigation projects Energy Efficiency Projects and Climate ChangeEnergy Efficiency Projects and Climate Change ESCO projects potential in MexicoESCO projects potential in Mexico
Three main fields Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency Cogeneration Energy Sector Activities for the fostering of mitigation projects
Renewable Energy 1Large Scale Renewable Energy Development Program Objective: Development of Large Scale Market for Renewable Energy in México Goal: 1,000 additional MWs in 10 years Interconnection and transmition contract schemes Acelerated depreciation Capacity development: technical training courses; information to decision makers; etc. Financial Incentives Establishment of fund for tariff support through competitive auctions Energy Sector Activities for the fostering of mitigation projects
Normal Tariffs CFE Combined Cycle plants PI’s Users 25 years ~US$ % Normal Tariffs ~US$ Renewable energy plants CFE PI’s Users Fund 25 years 12 years US$ 0.05 (or less) Normal Tariffs § Carbon certificates § Other incomes Large Scale Renewables Project – Fund Operation
Renewable Energy 2 Development of projects for non electrified communities Interconnection and transmition contract schemes Acelerated depreciation Capacity development: technical training courses; information to decision makers; etc. Financial Incentives Establishment of fund for tariff support through competitive auctions Energy Sector Activities for the fostering of mitigation projects
Complementary Funds $ from 3 government levels (Federal, State y Municipal) Indigenous Fund Private Sector Migrant resources Federal Funds for Rural Electrification CONADEPI SENER BM/IBRD GEF (US $25 Mill) NGOs/Fundaciones Otros: GVEP, apoyo bilateral $8x $x Financial Model: rural electrification
Energy Efficiency Development of Energy Efficiency Standards Long term reduction of GHG emmission intensity Market transformation measure 18 Standards for apliances Technical Assistance to Latin American Countries Technical Assistence Development of Technical Metodologies for the identification of energy efficiency potentials Support from CONAE for Industrial Chambers: project integration and bundling Energy Sector Activities for the fostering of mitigation projects
Energy Efficiency Promotion and Creation of local Institutional Capacity Creation of State Energy Commissions Training and Coordination with National and International Initiatives Creation of an energy efficiency market: ESCOs Advise and support to the first group of ESCOs Bundling projects: CONAE and Industrial Chambers Creation of a special Fund (current proposal) Energy Sector Activities for the fostering of mitigation projects
Energy efficiency projects CONAE is assisting energy end users to identify and evaluate energy efficiency projects Information useful for project developers, ESCOs among others Lower transaction costs Zero or low investment measures important for national compromises no possibility for carbon trading Investment measures --- feasible projects!!! Own resources ESCO projects Energy Efficiency Proyects and Climate Change
Advantages for GHG mitigation projects ESCO projects are economically feasible, GHG resources facilitate and provide the needed extra motivation Additionality verification is a very important issue for the Mexican Government Those projects have negative mitigation cost Commonly used methodologies for Monitoring and Verification of Energy Savings are the base for credible GHG M&V Again, this helps to ensure low transaction costs Work on electric sector Emmission Factors is very advanced and will help Energy Efficiency Proyects and Climate Change
Considering an average potential for energy savings of 20 per cent,the average market for energy efficiency in Mexico is estimated around $9,500 million USD annual Considering an average potential for energy savings of 20 per cent, the average market for energy efficiency in Mexico is estimated around $9,500 million USD annual Residential, Commercial and PublicUSD 2,400 millions Residential, Commercial and Public : USD 2,400 millions Transport,USD $5,000 millions Transport, USD $5,000 millions Agricultural,USD $280 millions Agricultural, USD $280 millions Industrial,USD 1,700 millions Industrial, USD 1,700 millions Source: Estimation of CONAE considering the 2000 energy balance Market for Energy Conservation in Mexico Public sector is an important emerging market Public electricity and Petroleum utilities Public Health and Education agencies State and municipal governments
Considering an average period of investment recovery of 3 years, around 28,500 million USDinvestment would be needed to take advantage of the energy efficiency potential, amount that stands for around 2 per cent of the national GDP. Considering an average period of investment recovery of 3 years, around 28,500 million USD investment would be needed to take advantage of the energy efficiency potential, amount that stands for around 2 per cent of the national GDP. l This is an important business opportunity, however in general terms, energy end users do not have resources to invest. That is why ESCOs offer such an important opportunity in the context of GHG mitigation projects. Market for Energy Conservation in Mexico
Conclusiones There is a great opportunity for GHG mitigation projects in the Mexican energy sector, a lot of them with cost effective measuresThere is a great opportunity for GHG mitigation projects in the Mexican energy sector, a lot of them with cost effective measures Negative mitigation costsNegative mitigation costs One of the most important characteristics of those projects are:One of the most important characteristics of those projects are: Low transaction costsLow transaction costs Easy M&V activitiesEasy M&V activities Energy project developers will play an important role in the next years, with initiatives in different sectorsEnergy project developers will play an important role in the next years, with initiatives in different sectors Public sector: energy utilities; health and education sector; local governmentsPublic sector: energy utilities; health and education sector; local governments
Ubaldo Inclán, SENER / CONAE, Mexico ext