Presentation on GSM based traffic Information services ITLS Seminar University of Sydney 13 th September 2005 Presentation on GSM based traffic Information.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation on GSM based traffic Information services ITLS Seminar University of Sydney 13 th September 2005 Presentation on GSM based traffic Information services ITLS Seminar University of Sydney 13 th September 2005

Overview on traffic Intelligence Traffic Intelligence was formed to address three specific telematics market niches: –Provision of Road traffic information for commercial services. Exclusive holder of the license to implement IT IS Holdings Traffic information technologies in Australia and New Zealand. –Provision of exception based telematics applications. Distributor for Drivecam. –Provision of low cost fleet and consumer telematics applications. Distributor for: AAPL – high level SVT Navtrak – High end Stolen vehicle Tracking Kingsmith – public transport telematics integration systems Webtech wireless – fleet tracking and mobility applications

 Founded in UK in 1997 and admitted to AIM in October 2000  Current market capitalisation >UKP50m (A$125m).  UK’s leading road traffic information and data specialist, with customers in 4 areas: Automotive Government Logistics Mobile Telco  Operating worlds largest commercial FVD ® and CFVD ® systems. FVD system, UK only, currently ~50,000 vehicles on the system, equivalent to >450,000 average cars. Process over 0.5 million vehicle records per hr Historic database contains over 1.2 billion data records CFVD systems in place in 4 countries.  Proven experience - consumers will pay for quality traffic information ITIS Holdings plc

ITIS customers


Value chain to deliver Probe based traffic information services Journalistic GPS Mobile TAG™ TAG™ TAG™ TAG™ IVR HISTORICDATAHISTORICDATA WEBPORTALSWEBPORTALS WAP & WAP & SMS WAP & WAP & SMS RDS-TMC CFVD platform CFVD platform FVD platform FVD platform Map Data sourcesAnalysis platformRaw outputDistribution TAGviewer Median travel times On vectors 5 min frequency 2.5/3G

Data collection technologies advantages/disadvantages TechnologyAdvantageDisadvantage Network A-GPS/LBS platforms Reasonably accurate positioning. Existing infrastructure “Active” polling = greater cost. Requires network ownership Roadside fixed cameras/e-tag readers etc Some Existing infrastructure Vehicle flow constantly monitored High level of analysis required No national network. High cost of rollout if no existing infrastructure. SCATSExisting infrastructure Vehicle flow constantly monitored Data owned by government bureaucracy. Assumptive analysis No national network. GPS (FVD)Accurate positioning Individual Vehicles constantly monitored. Highly accurate traffic data Low current vehicle population Existing volumes split between many fleets Costs of 2-way comms with vehicle Cellular (CFVD)Relatively low cost of implementation. High volumes of data Raw data owned by network Raw data has low position accuracy. High level of analysis required

Overview on Floating Vehicle Data (FVD) technology

® What is FVD ® ?

FVD units ITIS developed the concept of the Floating Vehicle Data Unit based on vehicle mileage travelled and driving patterns, whereby: –average driver = 1 FVD® unit, –a business driver = 3 FVD® units –truck/coach = 30 FVD® units. Through selective mixing and statistical modeling it can be shown that the ITIS FVD system requires a smaller sample to provide high quality data. Ie. focusing on data collection on the busiest roads at the busiest times. The combined fleet within the ITIS FVD® system is approximately 50,000 vehicles. To achieve this level ITIS targeted a number of high profile FVD® probe fleets, including: Annual mileage FVD® Units AA patrol> 100 million31,500 National Express> 80 million16,000 Eddie Stobart> 100 million22,500 In addition to the above fleets ITIS signed data supply contracts with large telematics companies that track vehicles for logistics and fleet management purposes. ITIS also targets probe vehicles that may be required to increase data quality in a more localised urban or inter-urban area, such as a local haulage or taxi operators.

How did ITIS build an FVD network? Fleet company #2 Fleet company #1 1.1bn records 4m per day Working with others has built scale and made a high quality network economically feasible AA Patrol Fleet company #3

Details on Cellular Floating Vehicle Data (CFVD) technology

Cellular Floating Vehicle Data: created by Estimotion inc. Founded July 2000 Management –A group of specialists that have conceived and developed highly sophisticated war-games, command and control and intelligence systems for the Israel Defence Forces Primary application –Low cost, patented technology for measuring and forecasting traffic flow Acquired by ITIS Holdings December 2003.

How does it work? Cell Direction of travel Cellular handover data required at A-link interface: Handover request Handover required Handover request ACK Handover command Handover complete Handover succeeded Handover failure Assignment request Assignment completed Assignment failure Paging Setup indication Cellular handover data required at MAP interface: MAP prepare handover MAP prepare subsequent handover MAP send handover report MAP allocate handover number Overlaid on Navigation quality GIS Cell Creates sample observer to observe flow patterns Flow pattern Analysed against GPS drive data And adjustments made to pattern model Iterative process

Data obtained from Thems testing is compared to data derived from the handover location module Handover event GPS data Location area derived from location module Location Module Testing

The results of these test drives has shown that the path finding algorithms are extremely accurate with an accuracy of between 95 to 97% on interstate roads and at least 85% on urban roads. Cellular Phones are tracked in a given vehicle fitted with a GPS unit to determine overall accuracy of the map-matching algorithms Path Finding Tests

Static Speed Tests Velocity from Cellular system compared to data obtained from static loop system

Static Speed Tests Example 1

Static Speed Tests Example 2

Dynamic Drive Tests A known vehicle completes a journey covering both urban and inter-urban roads and the measured journey time is compared to the predicted journey time

Dynamic Speed Tests Example 1

Dynamic Speed Tests Example 2

CFVD architecture overview MSC BSC BTS Probe card Sample Observer TSG & Distributor Dispatcher Equipment at Traffic Intel Operations Centre Equipment at Cellular Operator VPN (Internet) Firewall A-link interface Applications interface Staging Server GSM/CDMA cellular network MSC BSC Probe card Equipment at Cellular Operator A-link interface BTS GSM/CDMA cellular network Staging Server Firewall

Unique technology features Travel time, not velocity. –The technology is based on extracting travel time information and not velocities from the supplied data. This has the advantage of providing extremely accurate journey time information. Merging of historic and real-time data. –The system does not consider traffic information to be static but combines both historic and real-time traffic information to generate accurate predictions of traffic congestion. Advanced GIS modelling. –Advanced GIS techniques are used to model the topology of the road network taking account of the different turning options within a given network. This means the system can provide accurate traffic information in complex road networks such as dense urban areas. Data independent. – The technology is not dependent on any single positioning technology and can be adapted to take almost any form of location information. The algorithms have been developed to cope with inaccurate locations and very noisy data to achieve the accuracy and comprehensive road coverage required to provide high quality traffic information. Data fusion. –Data can be fused from different information sources including mobile and static sensors and journalistic data reports. Knowledge-based algorithms. – A series of learning-based algorithms have been developed which constantly update the historic traffic patterns used within the system.

CFVD customers There are currently a number of projects being implemented using the ITIS CFVD technology: –Antwerp, Holland – broadcast stage –Baltimore, USA – broadcast stage –Scotland - data presentation stage –London – pattern matching stage –Tel Aviv, Israel – 2 years since implementation –Missouri DOT, USA – contract awarded for statewide data

Tel Aviv CFVD system

The Baltimore CFVD Project Covers 500 square miles Live data (24/7) on over 350 miles or road 140 miles of expressways and over 200 miles of arterials

Baltimore I-695 traffic Patterns weekday saturday

Baltimore I-695 Route Travel Time

Delivery platforms And applications forITIS Traffic Information In the UK

Mobile telecommunication companies

Mobile Telco IVR service ITIS handles over 12 million calls requesting traffic information each year (each call generating an average of A$4) Consumers will pay for ‘Quality’ Traffic Information

Incident Information Incident Information Traffic Strip-map Traffic Strip-map ITIS traffic information delivered to the Orange Sony Ericsson T610

TELCO WAP/SMS ITIS currently provide two WAP traffic services, for Vodafone Live! and Orange World. Vodafone customers are able to browse for the latest traffic information directly from their handsets as well as being able to request AA recommended routes complete with any relevant traffic delays. Orange customers are able to receive constantly updated traffic flow information displayed in colour, and can scroll up and down affected segments of any UK motorway to see a colour-coded scale that shows current traffic conditions.

Text TRAFFIC to shortcode will send you a map, via WAP push, showing current traffic conditions in the area you are located for only £1! A web based application offering a number of travel and traffic related services. ITIS currently supplies web based traffic and mobile based traffic services. Traffic Reports Fast desktop application All major UK routes covered Extra detail for UK traffic hotspots Traffic alerts updated every 10 mins Audio and visual alerts for traffic incidents


RDS-TMC sends live, real-time traffic information to the satellite navigation system - automatically, 24 hours a day. Information is sent via an FM radio signal that can be received even if the car radio is switched off. This constant supply of traffic information enables the satellite navigation system to give the driver advanced warning of congestion and traffic problems ahead. More importantly, because traffic information is integrated directly into the satellite navigation system, the driver is automatically given the unique option to take an alternative route to avoid the problem ahead - dynamic route guidance, at the touch of a button. Available in two formats: –Free – RDS-TMC –Conditional Access RDS-TMC Radio Data Signal – Traffic Message Channel RDS-TMC

ITIS currently provides “free” RDS-TMC services to over customers in the UK for over 15 different vehicle brands including: Toyota Lexus Ford BMW Mercedes Benz Nissan Vauxhall (GM) Subaru Porsche ITIS are also launching an GPRS/RDS-TMC service for personal navigation devices:. Radio Data Signal – Traffic Message Channel RDS-TMC


Government: Arterial traveller information (Scottish Executive)

Government: Traffic Speeds and Journey Times Sections can be aggregated by entire link to provide average link speeds and/or journey times. Mapped by 50m or 100m section of road in each direction

Network analysis Percentage of readings below 55 kmph on weekdays Time of the Day Location

Journey Time Isochrones


Other Government projects Highways Agency –Contracts to use historic data for modeling and network monitoring Transport for London –Contract to use historic data for measuring network performance and develop control room monitoring applications Hampshire County Council –Contract to use historic data for measuring network performance and develop control room monitoring applications

Motoring organisations

Automobile association The AA is the UK's largest motoring organisation with over 12 million members. In May 2002 ITIS and Automobile Association Developments Limited, part of the Automobile Association (the AA) announced a significant strategic relationship. Under the terms of the deal, ITIS became responsible for supplying real time traffic flow information to AA Roadwatch, the leading provider of traffic and travel news in the UK. This relationship was strengthened in October 2002 when ITIS also became responsible for operating the AA's short dial IVR traffic information service under the AA Roadwatch brand, as well as providing real time traffic flow information to the AA's website. At the same time, the AA agreed to provide ITIS with location data from its AA patrol vehicle fleet, providing a valuable source of data for the ITIS Floating Vehicle Data system (FVD®).

The Road Timetable™ A development which utilises: Road network congestion matrix Unique routing method Advanced route simulation To provide a powerful timetabling solution for road transport operators

Altrincham to Oxford (152 miles) 37 mins (21%)

A B C :50 07:46 06:30 Depart: ‘Binwalking’

Link traverse time (mins) ‘Binwalking’ Link B to C Traverse Profile

:50 07:46 06:30 Depart: 08:26 ‘Binwalking’ A B C

The Inputs

The Result

Scheduling & Routing When should I depart by? How long will it take? When is the best time to depart? Process Schedules Live delays FVD archive Delay smoothing Which route should I take? Will I encounter problems? When will I arrive? Pre-Departure Are there problems ahead? Can I avoid them? Will I arrive on time? Mid Journey

Summary Road networks are predictable increased congestion calls for improved information the Road Timetable is the ‘engine’ to a new level of predictive routing, origin/destination analysis and scheduling applications


Journalistic GPS Mobile TAG™ TAG™ TAG™ TAG™ IVR HISTORICDATAHISTORICDATA WEBPORTALSWEBPORTALS WAP & WAP & SMS WAP & WAP & SMS RDS-TMC CFVD platform CFVD platform FVD platform FVD platform Map Data sourcesAnalysis platformRaw outputDistribution TAGviewer Median vehicle velocity 5 min frequency 2.5/3G

Data Sources GSM –Advanced negotiations ongoing with two network operators. GPS –Outline access agreements to 2000 commercial vehicles agreed. Journalistic –Agreement in place with VicRoads –Undergoing negotiations with RTA and Dept Main Roads of Qld. –Agreement in place with major roadside assistance company. Mapping –Licence in place. Expect all initial supply agreements to be in place by Q

Analysis platform and outputs Initial network analysis for CFVD to be undertaken by ITIS in the UK. Ongoing implementation to be undertaken by Traffic Intelligence in Australia. Data Centre (1) to be set up in Sydney Data Centre (2) to be set up in Melbourne Expected to be output ready for –Melbourne by February 2006 –Sydney by April 2006 –All east Coast metro by July 2006 –Australia wide by December Dependent upon customer funding

Conclusion Through the use of ITIS technology, by end 2006, Traffic Intelligence will be the ONLY national Australian provider of quality detailed real time and historic road traffic information generated through proven technology. This traffic information will provide: –Urban and rural travel times –Congestion indexing –Vehicle flow volumes –Origin/destination information –Network management and performance information –Incident information This information will in time be supplemented by videos of incidents (Drivecam) Due to the “imported” nature of the technology, Traffic intelligence is unable to access any state or federal grants to assist in implementation, so is keen to work with “foundation” clients.