Location and Direction Chapter 07
Latitude and Longitude The earth is gridded by imaginary lines called: Longitude Latitude
Building 16-105 @ Highline CC Latitude = 47.389806 Longitude = 122.299408 http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html
GPS coordinates Global Positioning System Geocaching
Length of a degree of Longitude The length of a degree of longitude decreases as you travel from the equator to the north or south pole. Seattle: 1˚ ≈ 47 miles
Length of a degree of Latitude Parallels are constructed approximately the same distance apart. Seattle: Seattle: 1˚ ≈ 69 miles
Distances Your text book covers finding the distance between to locations. Remember: The earth can be approximated as a sphere.
Direction The angular relation of one line to another Measured in Degrees A complete circle is equal to 360˚
Degrees….not base10 360˚ = complete circle 1˚ = 60’ = 60 minutes 60’ = 60” = 60 seconds For example: 50˚30’45”
Calculations Converting from decimal degrees to degree/minutes/seconds. Adding Angles Subtracting Angles borrowing
Surveyor’s Compass Used to measure bearings or included angles.
True North (TN) Location of the North Pole
Magnetic North (MN) Magnetic North is where the compass north arrow points.
Magnetic Declination The meridian indicated by the needle on a compass seldom coincides with the true meridian. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/declination.shtml
Bearings Angle to the north or south meridian from the quadrant east or west.
Plotting a traverse POB – Point of beginning Error of closure