B.A.O. Degree Course T.C.D. Final Medical Year
Aims of O&G Course Knowledge, skills and attitudes adequate for all medical specialities except general practice and O&G Knowledge and attitudes needed for your personal life Opportunity to sample possible career in O&G
Course Content Clinical attachment May-June or Sept./October 2007 Professorial End-of-week round-up every Friday afternoon Short revision November 2007
Clinical Course in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Labour Ward1 week Postnatal Obstetrics and Neonatology 1week Gynaecology3 weeks Antenatal and postnatal Obstetrics 2 weeks
Formative Assessment OSCE June 2007, October Provisional Dates Thursday June 28 th.1700hrs Thursday October 27 th 1700hrs
Final Examination OSCE at end of clinical course 20% MCQ November % Short answer questions Nov % Clinical Examination Nov %
Clinical Examination Must pass in order to pass exam One patient 30 minutes with patient 20 minutes with examiners History, physical examination, discussion of case.
Clinical Examination Clear and systematic history 5 Correct facts5 Examination technique5 Correct findings5 Identify problems5 Propose management5 Short viva-knowledge5 Short viva-understanding5
Textbooks to Own Symonds Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology Impey Obstetrics and Gynaecology Chamberlain ABC of Antenatal Care Llewellyn-Jones Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Problem Orientated Obstetrics and Gynaecology Symonds,Baker, Kean. Campbell Obstetrics by Ten Teachers Campbell Gynaecology by Ten Teachers
Reference Website –Royal College of Obstetricians –Green Top Guidelines Cochrane Library –free on net-log in anonymously Chamberlain and Steer Turnbull’s Obstetrics Shaw Gynaecology Chalmers, Enkin, Keirse Effective Care In Obstetrics and Gynaecology James High Risk Pregnancy
How to Fail O&G in Finals Don’t attend clinical attachment every day Don’t attend Friday afternoon session with Prof. Fail General Practice and Community Medicine If you get a fail mark in OSCE –ignore it! Try to learn from books rather than attending hospitals
How to Get Honours Start now Read theory while attending clinical course See as much as you can while in teaching hospitals. Palpate abdomen whenever you can Present a case whenever possible Read a little extra – lay press, Lancet, BMJ, reference texts
Professional Behaviour during Clinical Course Respect confidentiality, privacy. Look clean Dress code Go to wards singly or in pairs when possible