Using ‘real’ tasks and real organisations to improve student learning and motivation Miguel Moital, PhD Senior Lecturer in Events Management Pearl Morrison, MBA Demonstrator in Events Management 7th AEME Events Management Educators Forum University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, June 2009
Structure Context Process Content Outputs Outcomes - feedback
Context Leisure Product (Event innovation) Level C unit Several challenges: Balance between academic rigour and real case practice Teaching innovation and creativity Working in groups 5 seminar groups (+-30 per Sem Grp)
Context “Change in behaviour resulting from experience” “Students learn what they do, not what tutors do”
Process 2 stage assignment Consultancy report - 1 st Term - 20% Group presentation – 2 nd Term - 20% Both are group work (groups of 5-6)
Content - Consultancy report Students visit the allocated organisation The overall objective is to convince management (1) that the company should develop new events and (2) about the business potential of the type of event students propose to develop. By identifying the company’s current market situation and the gap in the market place word report
Content – group presentation 15 min presentation + 10 min discussion An executive briefing to the management of the company To make a ‘business case’ for the new event they have developed for the company. By following the New Product Development process. The presentation follows a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style – the manager attends.
Output Consultancy report Thorough reports Use of various sources of information 62% - no fails Group presentation Innovative ideas – praised by managers Strong business cases Professional approach to presentations 61% - no fails More engaged/enthusiasm
Outcomes – evaluation of experience Focus groups (seminar group level) at the end of stage 1 feedback from managers Online questionnaire (completed by 51% of the 202 students taking the unit) Informal feedback and tutors’ reflections
Outcomes – evaluation of experience (Focus group) Satisfaction of completing a consultancy report Relief/satisfaction/pride Learning some of the theories/model (applicable in the real world) More motivated by a real organisation than an ‘imaginary one’ Feedback: ‘A chance to be creative’ ‘Challenging, interesting & worthwhile’ Useful, stressful & educational’
Outcomes – evaluation of experience (managers) Impressed with the effort made by students Found it worth the investment in time – many volunteered to do it in the future Showed excitement about some of the business proposals (some ideas are likely to be implemented)
Outcomes – evaluation of experience (questionnaire) Extremely helpful Quite helpful Slightly helpful Not helpful Having a real organisation55.3%38.8%5.8%0.0% Access to detailed information via the information packs 55.3%34.0%8.7%1.9% ExtremelyQuiteSlightlyQuiteExtremely Challenging21.4%52.4%19.4%3.9%1.9%1.0%Unchallenging Useful21.4%43.7%29.1%4.9%0.0%1.0%Useless Satisfying9.7%18.4%25.2% 12.6%8.7%Frustrating Easy0.0%6.8%30.1%31.1%26.2%5.8%Difficult
Outcomes – evaluation of experience (questionnaire) SkillsSAAUDSD Ability to work in groups19.4%62.1%13.6%3.9%1.0% Oral communication skills21.4%60.2%13.6%4.9%0.0% Written communication skills11.7%49.5%28.2%10.7%0.0% Presentation Skills23.5%63.7%9.8%2.9%0.0% Overall evaluation SAAUDSD Overall I feel I learned a lot from this experience 22.3%59.2%10.7%6.8%1.0% The assignment made the unit more interesting 22.3%39.8%28.2%7.8%1.9% Assignment will help to perform job better 19.4%47.6%25.2%7.8%0.0%
Outcomes – evaluation of experience (questionnaire) Feedback (Group presentations)SAAUDSD Learned from other groups' presentations9.7%69.9%12.6%6.8%1.0% Learned from tutors' comments to my presentation 16.5%61.2%14.6%7.8%0.0% Learned from tutors' comments my other presentations 10.7%59.2%20.4%7.8%1.9% Managers’ comments helped me to identify where the group performed well 29.1%59.2%6.8%4.9%0.0% Managers’ comments helped me to identify where improvements were needed 28.4%58.8%8.8%3.9%0.0%
Outcomes – evaluation of experience – other key points Understand the relevance (and usefulness of theory) Student rep feedback at CCM very positive Fairer marking – less variation resulting from one organisation per seminar group More manageable (tutors know the organisation and can advice accordingly) Tutors enjoyed the experience and also found it challenging!
Thank you Any questions?