Growth of Russia Muscovite - Catherinian. European vs. Eastern Russia.


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Presentation transcript:

Growth of Russia Muscovite - Catherinian

European vs. Eastern Russia

Tsar Ivan I d. Tsar Ivan IV “The Terrible”

Ivan IV inherits throne as a child, kept prisoner by Boyar Duma throughout most of his childhood. (psychological effects) Marries Anastasia Romanov, “good” period. Connections with the West: British Muscovy Company. She dies, he goes into a fit of depression and rage against nobility. Oprichnina Comes back to “normal” but then kills his son, Ivan

Ilya Repin’s Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16,

Time of Troubles follows until 1613, when the Boyar Duma elect Mikhail Romanov. Stability and expansion follows. 1618: Russian explorers and trappers reached upper Yenisei valley in central Siberia Olearius visits Russia 1649: Reach Pacific Ocean on East Coast of Russian Empire.

End of the 17 th century, crisis of succession leaves Sophia as regent for her brothers, Ivan V and Peter I. She attempts to hold on to power, but is thwarted. Ivan not competent, leaving Peter (the Great) Quest for a warm-water port Northern Wars for the Baltics Expansion to the South (Azov) against Turks. – Problem with the Black Sea region…

Ilya Repin’s portrait of Sophia in Novodevichi Convent after her rebellion against Peter

Peter’s attempts to modernize: Nobility must conform to western European dress and mannerisms Education abroad Modernization of military Building a navy (hence the need for warm water port St. Petersburg (western style) Changes calendar Dies 1725.

Catherine’s reign ( ) Usurps the throne from her husband, Peter III She is a German Princess, Sophia of Anholt- Swerbst Learns Russian, converts to Orthodoxy, gains support of Streltsy guard Modernization, freedom from service Considers liberation of serfs, but doesn’t do it Correspondent with Voltaire, Enlightened Despot Part of the Philosophe movement, a liberal ruler…until 1789.