Submit completely filled conference funding application form which is available online on GPSA website – to GPSA office at 104F Ell Hall or mail it to 434 Curry Student Maximum amount: $ 375/ academic year
Approval/Denial decision by GPSA Finance Committee via week after the application form submission deadline
Reimbursement Authentication form is mailed to all applicants to their mailing addresses which mentions all the required documents need to be send along to GPSA
Applicants must submit all the receipts/invoices, boarding passes and Bank credit card statement along with Reimbursement Authentication form after getting signatures of HOD, Advisor and stamp from registrar on it, to GPSA office at 104F Ell Hall or mail it to 434 Curry Student Center
Review by GPSA- Finance Committee Once approved by Finance Committee, your application paperwork is processed and submitted to GPSA Advisor
Review/Approval by GPSA Advisor
All the required paperwork is submitted to Student Activities Business Office (SABO) and checks are written on the name of the applicants by SABO based on the documents provided and are mailed to applicants mailing addresses