Eric Drevitch Comm Eric Drevitch
North End is located in the North part of Wilkes Barre City Hall is located in North End Originally a Polish and Slovak town, but has since been diversified Eric Drevitch
Contains many great Elementary schools including Dan Flood School Includes many great high schools such as Coughlin and Holy Redeemer High schools Eric Drevitch
Home of two great colleges King’s College Wilkes University With King’s definitely being the better one Eric Drevitch
Home to many family owned businesses Peter’s Deli Bobby’s Place Senunas’ Bar and Grill These businesses have thrived for many years and are still great for the community Eric Drevitch +Bar+and+Grill&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
Many Catholic churches in North End Sacred Heart Church St.John’s Church Also many others including: Russian Catholic Jewish Temples Eric Drevitch
Very close to the Arena Great events that happen at the arena Penguins Hockey Pioneer Football Concerts Eric Drevitch +Arena&btnG=Search+images&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g1&start=0
Not only are the colleges in North End, but the Public Square is as well Public Square Includes: Rodano’s Circles Movies 14 Eric Drevitch &btnG=Search+images&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&start=0
North End is home to some of the most successful teams in recent history North End Little League and Teeners are great for children to participate in and for parents to watch Eric Drevitch
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