CHEM 1031 Stoichiometric Ratio
Procedure PUT GOGGLES AND APRONS ON. Equipment Needed (per pair): (2) 400 mL beakers (2) 100 mL graduated cylinders (1) desk thermometer (1) stirring rod (1) calorimeter cup (obtain from sideshelf)
Procedure (Continued) RECORD DATA IN INK, AND PUT NAME, PARTNER’S NAME, AND DATE ON FIRST DATA SHEET. Obtain 350 mL of the 0.50 M NaOCl and 0.50 M Na 2 SO 3 solutions in separate 400 mL beakers. OPEN AND CLOSE CARBOY VALVES VERY CAREFULLY. “Guesstimate” 350 mL above the 325 mL mark.
Procedure (Continued) Put thermometer in one of the beakers and measure and record temperature, estimating to the nearest 0.1 o C. This is the initial temperature (same for all seven runs). Set up ring stand, calorimeter cup, and thermometer thus:
Procedure (Continued) FOR EACH RUN: Measure out prescribed volumes of NaOCl and Na 2 SO 3 solutions using separate 100 mL graduated cylinders.
Procedure (Continued) Combine solutions in calorimeter cup and stir with glass stirring rod.
Procedure (Continued) Measure and record maximum temperature to the nearest 0.1 o C. Pour wastes down drain.
Procedure (Continued) Rinse calorimeter cup with tap water and return to sideshelf when done.