NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Using Spectroscopic Data to Detect Life Related Chemicals in Outer Space title of IC: author: John Gifford
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case teacher: John Gifford school: Riverside Poly High School course/grade: Chemistry/ 9-12 district: Riverside Unified School District
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Are there biology related elements and molecules in outer space? generative question:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Students will apply their knowledge from spectrographs to identify elements and compounds in interstellar gases. 1.i.* Students model the historical developments leading to the Bohr model of the atom c. Students know amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. 3.I & E3. k. Recognize the cumulative nature of scientific evidence. l. Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science. m. Investigate a science-based societal issue by researching the literature, analyzing data, and communicating the findings. learning objectives (key standards):
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Assessments will be short answer essay questions related to their reading and experiments. Also, discussion of the students during the labs and activities will provide information regarding what they understand. assessment overview:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Students will develop a list of instruments and experiments that would be fitted to a robot searching for life related chemicals on Europa or Titan. culminating project:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Flame tests Identify elements based upon spectrographs Identify compounds and components of compounds based on IR spectrographs. key lessons & activities:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Engage: video on spectroscopy from Utube—another English accent! Explore:--flame test—experiment/demo use of diffraction gratings mixtures of salts—distinguish salts—using cobalt glass Explain: identify elements via color flame explain how to distinguish elements mixed together Extend: apply spectrograms to identify elements in mixtures Evaluate: quizzes after viewing video, reading, experiments informal survey from questions during demos 5E inquiry activities:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case I will use videos, lecture, labs, reading homework in the process of teaching this lesson. Students will be working together in groups, using technology to acquire information, explaining observations and utilizing learning to apply their knowledge to real out of this world experience and extend their knowledge. integrated pedagogy:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Video-- Spaced-based astronomy—student worksheet 2 Spitzer space telescope—DVD video—”Infrared: More than your eyes can see” CLARREO.pdf More….tbd NASA resources:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Students working in groups Critical thinking and problem solving Communication Collaboration 21 st century skill integration:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case This project is stretched over the school year—entering into the project as we address chemistry standards. The atomic spectra is used as part of a bridge from Dalton’s atomic theory to the Bohr model of the atom and eventually into the quantum mechanical model of the atom. After learning about chemical bonds and nomenclature, students will investigate IR spectrograms to search for chemicals in outer space. During the chapter regarding nuclear changes, students will investigate the nuclear reactions in stars that produce atoms larger than lithium. At the end of the year, students will tie their knowledge together to develop the culminating search for biogenic related chemicals off Earth. miscellaneous (optional):