A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in chronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominently.’ Blogging is a great way to keep track of what you do in your classroom, as well as share information with parents & other teachers. There are a lot of blogs online that are specifically for teachers only- teacherlingo.com is awesome!!!
This is a very small list of teacher related blogs that I found on the internet… There are thousands more! Just take a look at a few to see what you think you might want to include in a blog of your own. It helps to see others people’s thoughts and ideas… and then to build from what you have seen! And here is the link to my own personal blog: A blog is a great place share lesson plan ideas & links to educational websites or games. Also, blogging is great for stress relief at the end of a hard day, which we NEVER have… right? Also, You are sharing with other teachers and parents, so this is great for classroom communication. In order to use photographs from class- You need a consent form, which our district DOES NOT have in place- If you would like one please see me & I will share! You can customize your page so that you control who can comment and even view your blog- Mine is set up for co-workers and parents only- This is a good way to protect the kids & yourself.
There are several places to create a blog. Some are free and some cost a little. We are going to create our blog at blogspot.com, which is a free blogger site!!! Go to Click Create your own blog now If you already have a google account… you will skip this step… If not… You need to create an account. Just follow the directions. Next name your Blog- This will be your web address- Next choose a template for your blog- This is the design, color, and fonts You Are an official Blogger!!!! Type in the Title- My 1 st Blog Then go to the text box and… BLOG ON! Please type in your first blog and we will discuss inserting photos and clipart, as well as creating links to the internet!