Computer Generated Jazz By Chris Wynnyk
The Basics Break down into rhythm, melody, harmony Focused on effective accompaniment rhythms in the style of Bill Evans Markov algorithm approach to computer learning.
The Markov Algorithm For each set of characters, creates weighted prediction matrix from the input. Set order to determine creativity. Output is a random but weighted. Ex: order 2, Input: AABAABAAC would create an entry for AA predicting that the next letter is 2/3 likely to be B, 1/3 C
Music Input
Sample of Input/Output data 122122 010012 121212 121221 012212 010122 121212 122212 121121 010121 221222 112122 122222 122222 221222 100122 122122 122112 221212 122212 100100 122122
Rhythmic Transcription of Output
This slide will contain demo Sounds Demo of Input File Demo of Output Comping Rhythms with Solo overlaid Demo of Output Comping Rhythms
The End