National Dishes Worldwide By Ghada, Alicia, Maria Jessica, Kenneth, Nidia By Ghada, Alicia, Maria Jessica, Kenneth, Nidia
Communication Skype Wiki Forum Skype Wiki Forum
Procedure Each member focused on one national dish from two different countries Researched dish and posted pictures, text, and video to Wiki website Each member focused on one national dish from two different countries Researched dish and posted pictures, text, and video to Wiki website
Student Objective’s Overall objective is for students to meet NETS Standard 6 Students will create a knowledgeable food item using at least 2 media formats -text and pictures, pictures and audio, and/or video, text, and pictures Overall objective is for students to meet NETS Standard 6 Students will create a knowledgeable food item using at least 2 media formats -text and pictures, pictures and audio, and/or video, text, and pictures
Student work Students will work in groups of 3 Students will have a designated role in their groups (researcher, media specialist, presenter/coordinator) Students will use internet to choose and research a dish Students will work in groups of 3 Students will have a designated role in their groups (researcher, media specialist, presenter/coordinator) Students will use internet to choose and research a dish
Student’s Final Product Students will present national dish using PowerPoint and Wiki site Students will be encouraged to bring an example of a national dish to class ;) Students will present national dish using PowerPoint and Wiki site Students will be encouraged to bring an example of a national dish to class ;)
Example of Student Work Group’s Wiki website Group’s Wiki website