Endeavour Mote update K. Pister
Endeavour Goals Make lots of autonomous sensor nodes Get CS people excited about using them Design new and exciting hardware
Endeavour COTS Dust - RF Motes Atmel Microprocessor RF Monolithics transceiver 916MHz, ~20m range, 4800 bps 1 week fully active, 2 N S EW 2 Axis Magnetic Sensor 2 Axis Accelerometer Light Intensity Sensor Humidity Sensor Pressure Sensor Temperature Sensor
Endeavour COTS Dust - Distributed Algorithms 1”, $100 Sensor nodes are easy algorithms?
Endeavour COTS Dust - Optical Motes Laser mote 650nm laser pointer 2 day life full duty CCR mote 4 corner cubes 40% hemisphere
Endeavour CCR Interogator
Endeavour Video Semaphore Decoding Diverged 300m Shadow or full sunlight San Francisco (Coit Tower) to Berkeley (Cory Hall)
Endeavour 1 Mbps CMOS imaging receiver Put an asynchronous receiver at every pixel Funded by DARPA/MTO/STAB 0.25 um CMOS in fab
Endeavour 24” Bat 40 mph top speed 30 minute loiter autopilot: pressure sensor, gyros, XLs 2 planes, 1 ground station, in 1 suitcase spyplanes.com
Endeavour Marine LOE 4 3 MAVs participated, 1 flew 7 sorties on station in minutes
Endeavour Micro Mote - First Attempt 300 um
Endeavour 2D beam scanning laser lens CMOS ASIC Steering Mirror AR coated dome
Endeavour 6-bit DAC Driving Scanning Mirror Open loop control Insensitive to disturbance Potentially low power
Endeavour ~8mm 3 laser scanner Two 4-bit mechanical DACs control mirror scan angles. ~6 degrees azimuth, 3 elevation > 1Mbps IRDA on steroids Virtual window
Endeavour Virtual Keyboard Interfaces for people with Disabilities?