SIO 286 January 11, 2011 Answers to questions - collect Field trip waivers Turtle trip feedback Next week refreshments following class; volunteers needed to retrieve things from Penny on Monday or Tuesday morning. Final project: choose partners/ topics (Sarah)
Recap of last week What do leatherback turtles eat? –Jellies Can you name any foraging areas for the western Pacific population? –Philippines, Malaysia, Oregon, Washington Where do Pacific leatherback turtles nest? –Western Pacific: Indonesia, PNG, Solomon Islands; Eastern Pacific: Central America and Mexico
Recap of last week Name some threats to leatherback turtles –Fisheries: pelagic longlines and gillnets directed and by-catch –Harvest of eggs –Habitat encroachment on nesting beaches –Nest predation –Climate change?
Recap of last week What mandates/organizations/laws offer protection of sea turtles in the US? –US Endangered Species Act (Endangered) Habitat, Take –The Marine Turtle Conservation Act Internationally? –RFMO’s: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) –The Inter-American Convention for the Conservation and Protection of Sea Turtles: prohibits the intentional capture or killing.
Recap of last week Name some conservation strategies. –beach conservation (nesting females, eggs, critical breeding habitat) –reduced artisanal coastal fisheries mortality –economic: mitigation projects, taxes, subsidies, eco-labeling, direct and indirect payments, trade regulations –enhanced at-sea survival; bonus: how? performance and technology standards
Recap of last week Tell me something that you found interesting about last weeks lecture or about the readings.
The Trilogy Dutton
Photo: Scott R. Benson, NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center HMS & Dr. Suzy Kohin Biology Surveys and abundance Management
Traditional Approach to Fisheries Stock Assessment Model Balance reproduction and growth with mortality to sustain population biomass
Towards Ecosystem Management Managing fishery within an ecosystem context, taking into account ecological interactions, sensitive species and habitats, environmental forcing and effects, social and economic structures and impacts. Lab & Exercise today: What do HMS eat? How does that change over time and space? How might that affect management?
Schedule Dr. Kohin’s lecture Break Lab Brief back-in-class time to go over optional take-home exercise for extra credit.