Deaths from Fracture Neck of Femur
Age standardised Death rate Fracture of Femur age
Age standardised Death rate Fracture of Femur age
Age specific Death rate Fracture of Femur England & Wales
Age standardised Death rate Fracture of Femur Age 65+ England & Wales
ICD codes Deaths Fracture Femur England & Wales 2005 S72.0Neck2568 S72.1Pertrochanteric37 S72.2Subtrochanteric7 S72.3Shaft19 S72.4Lower37 S72.7Multiple4 S72.9Unspecified292 S72Total Femur2964
Possible reasons for high death rate High incidence High fatality rate –Inferior care –Some other reason Diagnostic or coding artefact
Age standardised Admission rate Fracture Neck of Femur Age /05
Hospital Admission rate Fracture neck of Femur England 2005/06
Trends in Hospital admissions for Fracture Neck of Femur England & Wales Source Lewis AF BMJ 1981; 283,
Age standardised Admission rate Fracture Neck of Femur Age 65+
Indirectly age standardised Death rate within 30 days of admission for Fracture Neck of Femur
Indirectly age standardised Percent returning to usual residence after Fracture Neck of Femur 2003/04
Indirectly age standardised % Operated on within 48 hrs of admission for Fracture Neck of Femur 2003/04
Classification of hip fractures
Operative management of Fracture Neck of Femur 2005/06
Ratio of Death and Admission rates age specific Fractured Neck of Femur England 2004/05
Fatality rate after Admission for Fracture Neck of Femur Record linkage study Source Goldacre MJ, Roberts SE, Yeates BMJ 2002; 325, All DeathsMention of FNOF Within 30 days10.5%4.5% Within 90 days18.8%6.9% Within 180 days24.6%7.7%
nchod Data specification Fracture Neck of Femur “ Cause data for fractures should be used with great care because of the effects of artefactual local differences resulting from variations in certification procedures between coroners. Deaths caused by fracture neck of femur are also under recorded because there are a number of alternatives for classifying such deaths. For these reasons, variations between areas should be interpreted with caution”