Jeffery Loo NLM Associate Fellow ’03 – ’05 chemicalinformaticsforlibraries
chemical informatics information science and technology chemistry +
in this presentation chemical informatics manages and advances science opportunities for information professionals training and skill sets library service models
managing and advancing scientific developments
chemistry life sciences drug discovery chemical data time
fundamental domains in chemistry chemical synthesis structure elucidation structure property and activity compounds
combinatorial chemistrycomputational chemistry 20 starting molecules final products
chemical informatics for chemistry collection and storage data acquisition and processing representation and organization databases and data sources retrieval structure and reaction searching similarity searching analysis calculations of: physical data chemical data structure descriptors data analysis methodologies machine learning statistics data mining, etc.
chemistry in the life and health sciences chemical biology small molecule chemistry high throughput screening
application of chemistry to study molecular events in biological systems
chemicals that can affect protein function and physiology very nicely small molecule chemistry study biological mechanisms and pathways estimated – possible compounds
high throughput screening robots to perform bioactivity experiments
informatics infrastructure NIH Chemical Genomics Center Molecular Libraries Screening Centers Network (MLSCN)
drug discovery target identification elucidate disease mechanism and elements role for small molecules lead optimization optimize chemical structure lead finding test chemicals on biological systems
organize data data collection, analysis, and management data representation and communication database design and organization compound classification and selection analyze data database searching molecular similarity and diversity analysis statistical models and descriptors in chemistry structure-activity/property relationships make predictions chemical structure and property prediction prediction of in vivo compound characteristics virtual screening facilitate experimental work compound or library design and optimization information theory applied to chemical problems chemical informatics for drug discovery
review chemical informatics information science and technology to solve chemical problems generating more chemical data and needs: combinatorial chemistry computational chemistry chemical biology small molecule chemistry high throughput screening drug discovery manage growth to increase chemical knowledge
opportunities for library professionals
library participation in data acquisition and sharing information management information use
challenge data capture and sharing needs improvement solutions study data storage and sharing develop tools/methods facilitate data sharing: education personal websites repositories databanks: ChemBank, PubChem data acquisition and sharing
challenges information storage and retrieval integration of data and information between resources between disciplines smart instruments openness information management
information management solutions education on integrated and open systems common standards open access chemical markup language
information management solutions facilitating lab informatics library resource customization
information management solutions integrated and customized search/retrieval metasearch resources linkages subject guides/portals
information management solutions digital repositories DSpace SPECTRa WorldWideMolecularMatrix help faculty deposit content
challenges awareness of resources data analysis computational chemistry solutions promote resources promote software tools specialized/in-context user services information use
training and skill sets
MSc programs Indiana University The University of Sheffield The University of Manchester University of Massachusetts Lowell
chemistry computational chemistry molecular modeling and simulation spectroscopy and crystallography combinatorial chemistry library and information science chemical information sources database design information searching and retrieval algorithm design for chemical problems data analysis and statistics computer science and informatics programming cheminformatics applications chemical informatics techniques bioinformatics HCI and user interface design chemical information technology research methodology electives biology, biochemistry, etc. management of intellectual property e-business and e-commerce healthcare information electronic publishing dissertation topics databases molecular modeling chemical publications and services information searching and retrieval computational chemistry
library service models (bioinformatics)
Health Sciences Libraries hired PhD scientist 3-pronged program consultation education resource development
Eskind Biomedical Library 12-week bioinformatics training class for librarians strong outreach Research Informatics Consult Service
chemistry LIS computer science and informatics data acquisition and sharing information management information use summary