Critical Thinking Problems Define the problem, alternatives, solution Crucibles – forget the strength of our character Adversity – reveals the person that you have become Quality of life – competency as a problem-solver Expert problem-solver – learned skill – practice and apply – problems are challenges Solving complex problems Often a confused tangle of information, feelings, alternatives, opinions, considerations, risks
Critical Thinking Problems Accepting problem – acknowledge, identify, commit What is problem? What are the alternatives? What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each alternative? What is the solution? How well is the solution working?
Seven career killers You work hard for your education, the skills and the job; don't let these mistakes sabotage your climb up the career ladder. Lying on your resume, stealing office supplies, failing to show up for work Procrastination – many of us have been procrastinating since grade school and have done just fine – that's a habit you've got to break – if you pull together a report or presentation at the last minute, your shoddy preparation is going to show Sense of entitlement – generation raised on instant gratification – used to getting what want and getting it now; feel like entitled to quick promotions, 'or else' Settling into job description – lookout for opportunities to shine – 'above and beyond'
Procrastination Quotient Strongly agree 4321Strongly disagree 1. I invent reasons and look for excuses for not acting on a problem. 2.It takes pressure to get me to work on difficult assignments. 3.I take half measures which will avoid or delay unpleasant or difficult tasks. 4.I face too many interruptions and crises that interfere with accomplishing my major goals. 5.I sometimes neglect to carry out important tasks. 6.I schedule big assignments too late to get them done as well as I know I could. 7.I'm sometimes too tired to do the work that I need to do. 8.I start new tasks before I finish old ones. 9.When I work in groups, I try to get other people to finish what I don't. 10.I put off tasks that I really don't want to do but know that I must do. < 20 - not chronic procrastinator21-30 – minor problem > 30 – quite often
Time user exercise Describes me very well4321Doesn't describe me at all 1.I often wake up later than I should. 2.I am usually late for classes and appointments. 3.I am always in a rush getting places. 4.I put off big tasks and assignments till the last minute. 5.My friends often comment on my lateness. 6.I am easily interrupted, putting aside what I'm doing for something new. 7.When I look at a clock, I'm often surprised at how late it is. 8.I often forget appointments and have to reschedule them. 9.When faced with a big task, I feel overwhelmed and turn my mind away from it until later. 10.At the end of the day, I have no idea where the time went – very efficient time user16-20 – efficient time user – time use needs work31-40 – victim of time
Make first impressions count Sizing people up – they are also sizing you up Make judgments about people within first minute Attire Look the part – specific occasion Grooming – hair neat, well-groomed Handshake – simple – no four-handed, sweaty, clammy, wimpy handshake Conversation – world does not revolve around you – engage the other person, use their name for emphasis, stories – common ground Attitude – positive
Ten traits of successful professionals 1. Seriousness – about occupation – dedicated to succeeding 2. Wanting to do better – never-ending quest to improve performance 3. Dealing with the unexpected – stuff happens 4. Communication skills – critical – clear, concise, confident 5. Enthusiasm - great each day with positive attitude 6. Helpfulness – teamwork – always ready to lend a hand, make a suggestion, offer a compliment
1. Taking the initiative – “that’s not my job” – know what needs to be done and will do it 2. Cool under pressure – never point fingers, level-headed, calm, cheerful demeanor 3. Remaining focused – task at hand and goal ahead – navigate through obstacles or setbacks 4. Don’t follow, LEAD – analyze the situation, take new paths, try new solutions – stick your neck out
5 careers with bright futures Uncertain times – health of economy Project strong growth – high job security Engineer Financial analyst – ($67,000 salary) – future holds opportunities – increase by 37% during next 8 years, anticipated to be one of the fastest growing jobs – strong competition is expected – business degree or MBA best opportunity for success Nurse Internet marketer ($53,000) – online marketers, emarketers, internet advertisers – changes every day – looking for computer skills High school teacher
The quickest route to 6-figure job Actuaries – insurance industry, crunching numbers to determine risks in pension planning, insurance coverage, or investment strategies. High math aptitude and financial savvy – bachelor’s degree in business or statistics Dental hygienists Marking managers – determine potential customer base and eyeballing what competitors is doing – bachelor’s degree in finance, business, or marketing Computer software engineer – programming, CIS, IT
The quickest route to 6-figure job Medical and health service managers – 3 million new jobs in next 8 years – bachelor’s in management or finance Human resources manager – bachelor’s degree in human resource management – interdisciplinary training is beneficial – business administration
Assign #6: _quiz.htm - print last page (due 4/20, 4/22) Assign #7: pg. 97, thinking activity 3.3 – either problem #1 or #2 or #3 (due 4/20, 4/22) Assign #8: library exercise - library exercise, write down answers on piece of paper (due 4/27, 4/29) – meet in library 5/4, 5/6 – library north, classroom 2, B526
Assign #9: thinking activity 4.2, pg. 124 – who are you questions?, 1 page, (due 4/27, 4/29); Assign #10: roadmap – for your major, (due 4/27, 4/29) –; Assign#11: website evaluation exercise - al.pdf (due 4/27, 4/29)