Current Proposal: Secure Language-Based Adaptive Service Platform (SLAP) for Large-Scale Embedded Sensor Networks David Culler Eric Brewer Dave Wagner
4/2001TinyOS2 Enable NEST Research Goal: –new approach to networked embedded SW –enable research in algorithms, synchronization, real- time systems –explore platform system architecture in new space Low-cost flexible wireless sensor device for large-scale experimentation Extensible Event-driven Tiny OS Development Environment Simulation environment Infrastructure services
4/2001TinyOS3 + Platform Research Itself Unattended, low-power, small form-factor connected devices Networking Security Resilient Aggregation –collect data with noise, failures and adversaries FSM programming & composition Macrocomputing: programming a collection Analysis and testing of integrated distributed systems
4/2001TinyOS4 HW Platforms Current: SmartDust MacroMOTE => Renes => Phase 1: 6 months => algorithm studies –Mote++, MEMS sensors, TinyOS –microcontroller? ASH? –100+ nodes for < 20K$ Phase 2: 30 months => composition of alg’s –ARM-power, Bluetooth physical –integrated system –OS?? Workshops for both phases Phase 3: 40 months design study
4/2001TinyOS5 Platform Scale Current 1” x 1.5” motherboard –ATMEL 4Mhz, 8bit MCU, 512 bytes RAM, 8K pgm flash –900Mhz Radio (RF Monolithics) ft. range –ATMEL network pgming assist –Radio Signal strength control and sensing –I2C EPROM (logging) –Base-station ready –stackable expansion connector »all ports, i2c, pwr, clock… Phase 1 –more microcontroller »atmega163 => 2x storage »atmega103 => 128K flash, 4k ram »TIMSP430 => 60k flash, 2k ram, HW *,... »many subtle factors –RFM with ASH »too early for bluetooth
4/2001TinyOS6 Nodal Communication Algorithm foundations –Local multicast –event-driven reception –intelligent pruning of retransmission –non-blocking execution Networking support –appln and power-aware multihop ad hoc routing –in network aggregation –in situ programming –constrained buffer management key management
4/2001TinyOS7 Testbed Environment in situ programming/upgrade and debugging synchronized logging (trace extraction) passive monitoring data collection
4/2001TinyOS8 Adversarial Simulation Large-scale mote simulator –scale –checkpointing Detecting “composition” bugs and scaling bugs Target failure: search for bugs –test race conditions automatically –pick orders that consume resources –more efficient than random-walk testing –simulator is an adversary… –guided search Hybrid simulator/testbed
4/2001TinyOS9 Resilient Aggregators operate in the face of faulty nodes, intermittent communication, and security attacks –ex max is not resilient, nine-tile is. develop algebra of resilient aggregators Random sampling as implementation foundation for security model –easy to attack a node –hard to attack large fraction of the nodes
4/2001TinyOS10 Development Environment Make FSMs work –event-driven programming –composition –debugging –visualization Same four issues for collections of WEbS! Application-specific virtual machines –analogous to query-plan vs query-processing engine
4/2001TinyOS11 Macrocomputing How to program a large collection? –Single program, multiple data »but errors and probabilistic behavior »unstructured collection –“global” variables that reflect collections »need to handle error propagation –scatter/gather for collections? –online query processing? Need multi-WEbS abstractions
4/2001TinyOS12 1 st key milestones at 6 months Ten platform kits –100 tiny nodes –embedded PC/ARM base stations –specs, diagnostics,... TinyOS 1.0 – real release with tools and documentation Initial Programming Environment Preliminary demonstration of time-synch, and hoc, FSMs, authentication, small closed-loop application
4/2001TinyOS13 More immediate milestone specifying challenge application layout how coordination and synthesis services plug in develop platform requirements consider sequence of applications –interactive spaces –flock of model cars –Multi-agent pursuit-evasion
5/18/2001NEST Pretreat Platform14 Summary We have rare advantages… –momentum from SmartDust, BWRC, PATH, Endeavour,... –resources: Millennium, BSAC, Intel Lablet,... –working hardware –event-driven system and programming experience –early wins in algorithms and security –language expertise –dense distributed systems expertise It feels like the start of something big... Let’s hit the ground running