may not be reproduced without permission 1 Section 508 Procurement Training California State University Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) - S508PT Day Two Plenary Track 10:40 – 12:00 The future of 508 Jon Brundage, instructor
may not be reproduced without permission 2 Topics The work of TEITAC Discuss possible changes to the standards. Resources to find up-to-date information.
may not be reproduced without permission 3 Possible changes to the standards The Access Board is conducting a review and update of its access standards for electronic and information technology covered by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act first published in Since that time technologies have advanced, both in general IT and in Assistive technologies. The standards are due for an update.
may not be reproduced without permission 4 The work of TEITAC stands for Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee –TEITAC is a federal advisory committee providing recommendations for updates of accessibility standards issued under Section 508.
may not be reproduced without permission 5 The work of TEITAC Comprised of Committee members ( ) represents over forty industry, disability groups, standard-setting bodies in the U.S. and abroad, and government agencies, among others.
may not be reproduced without permission 6 The work of TEITAC Charter goes to July First meeting was in September 2006.
may not be reproduced without permission 7 The work of TEITAC Subcommittees –General interface requirements and Function Performance Criteria (§508 Subpart C plus component modules) –Software, Web, and content (§ ,.22, plus electronic documents) –Telecommunications (§255 and ) –Audio/Video (§ ) –Self contained, closed products (§ ) –Desktops, portables, peripherals, and other computer hardware (§ , plus other hardware) –§508 Subpart A (Purpose, Application, General Exceptions, Definitions, Equivalent Facilitation) –Documentation and technical support (§508 Subpart D)
may not be reproduced without permission 8 Possible changes to the standards Move to standards that are more international, recognizing valuable work overseas. Clarification of “undue burden” and taking into account ongoing maintenance in addition to procurement process.
may not be reproduced without permission 9 Possible changes to the standards Make “first responders” exempt in similar fashion as military and security segments are at present. Recognition of systems that provide information using motion, shape, color or other vision-dependent attribute. –An example would be the container inspection or passenger inspection systems used by U.S. Customs Service
may not be reproduced without permission 10 Possible changes to the standards New and clarified definitions. –for example “CAPTCHA” : “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart” More detail on flashing content thresholds that may cause seizures.
may not be reproduced without permission 11 Possible changes to the standards Inclusion of Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) equipment. Possible introduction of “Functional Performance Criteria” –help Federal departments or agencies determine whether products being used, developed, procured or maintained meet the functional needs of individuals with disabilities
may not be reproduced without permission 12 Possible changes to the standards Introduction of standards to address “cognitive” disorders. –probably will not be included because of the number of serious challenges presented for manufacturers and government agencies
may not be reproduced without permission 13 What to expect Clarification! –current standards have room for interpretation –aim of the 508 refresh is to make understanding and implementation clearer.
may not be reproduced without permission 14 When will the changes be implemented? Probably in late 2009
may not be reproduced without permission 15 Resources to find up-to-date information –Information about Teitac, Subcommittees, link to WIKI, list you can subscribe to, calendar of events. TEITAC WIKI –interactive workspace- contains draft documents.
may not be reproduced without permission 16 Resources to find up-to-date information Access Board “508 Refresh” – Working drafts of recommendations –