The U.S-Japan Alliance and China 美日聯盟與中國 By Wong Kwan Wa
Outline The U.S-Japan Alliance ( 美日聯盟 ) The U.S-Japan Alliance ( 美日聯盟 ) George w.Bush government diplomatic Policy ( 布 殊總統政府的外交政策 ) George w.Bush government diplomatic Policy ( 布 殊總統政府的外交政策 ) Koizumi government, Shinzo and Taro supports conservative policy ( 保守的小泉政府,安倍晉三 和麻生太郎 ) Koizumi government, Shinzo and Taro supports conservative policy ( 保守的小泉政府,安倍晉三 和麻生太郎 ) New generation foreign policy of PRC ( 中國新一代外交政策 ) New generation foreign policy of PRC ( 中國新一代外交政策 ) Conclusion ( 結論 ) Conclusion ( 結論 )
The US-Japan Alliance 美日聯盟 Be ally for nearly half decade ( 半個世紀的結盟 ) Be ally for nearly half decade ( 半個世紀的結盟 ) Japan rise from defeat to affluence ( 日本由戰敗到富裕 ) Japan rise from defeat to affluence ( 日本由戰敗到富裕 ) Alliance is the basis of trade between two countries. ( 兩國貿易建基於結盟 ) Alliance is the basis of trade between two countries. ( 兩國貿易建基於結盟 )
George w.bush Gov. 布殊的政府 Bush is descried as Militant President ( 布殊被喻好戰總統 ) Bush is descried as Militant President ( 布殊被喻好戰總統 ) High Approval rating since 911 attacks (911 之後,在國內支 持度高 ) High Approval rating since 911 attacks (911 之後,在國內支 持度高 ) Negative image outside the U.S ( 國外,布殊形象不討 好 ) Negative image outside the U.S ( 國外,布殊形象不討 好 )
George w.bush Gov. 布殊的政府
George W.Bush Gov. 布殊的政府 People believes that W.Bush foreign policy increased the threat of terrorism in the world ( 布殊令世界更不安 全 ) People believes that W.Bush foreign policy increased the threat of terrorism in the world ( 布殊令世界更不安 全 )
Japan P.M Junichiro Koizumi 日本首相小泉純一郎 Works closely with W.Bush ( 與布殊合作無間 ) Works closely with W.Bush ( 與布殊合作無間 ) Allow JSDF send to Iraq ( 委派自衛隊駐伊 ) Allow JSDF send to Iraq ( 委派自衛隊駐伊 )
Japan P.M Junichiro Koizumi 日本首相小泉純一郎 Visits Yasukuni Shrine ( 參拜靖國神社 ) Visits Yasukuni Shrine ( 參拜靖國神社 )
Next Generation Japanese Leader 下一代日本領導人 Koizumi P.M term expires next year sept. ( 明年九月,小泉卸任 ) Koizumi P.M term expires next year sept. ( 明年九月,小泉卸任 ) Popular candidate : Shinzo and Taro ( 熱門候選人 : 安倍及麻 生 ) Popular candidate : Shinzo and Taro ( 熱門候選人 : 安倍及麻 生 )
New generation Foreign Policy of PRC 中國新一代外交政策 4th generation Chinese President Hu Jintao ( 第 四代領導人胡錦濤 ) 4th generation Chinese President Hu Jintao ( 第 四代領導人胡錦濤 ) “ China ’ s peaceful rise ” ( 中國和平掘起 ) “ China ’ s peaceful rise ” ( 中國和平掘起 ) U.S-Japan Alliance is not friendly ( 不友善的美日聯盟 ) U.S-Japan Alliance is not friendly ( 不友善的美日聯盟 )
New generation Foreign Policy of PRC 中國新一代外交政策 U.S establish the encirclement of China. ( 美國實行圍堵中國 ) U.S establish the encirclement of China. ( 美國實行圍堵中國 ) China Threat theory ( 中國威脅論 ) China Threat theory ( 中國威脅論 ) Japanese is going to revise constitution ( 日本人準備修改憲法 ) Japanese is going to revise constitution ( 日本人準備修改憲法 )
New generation Foreign Policy of PRC 中國新一代外交政策 New gen. Japanese doesn ’ t have or have little memory of war. ( 新生代日本人對戰爭記憶不多 ) New gen. Japanese doesn ’ t have or have little memory of war. ( 新生代日本人對戰爭記憶不多 ) Want to be a permanent member of the UNSC. ( 日本想成為常任理事國 ) Want to be a permanent member of the UNSC. ( 日本想成為常任理事國 ) U.S supports Japan ( 美國支持日本成為常任理事國 ) U.S supports Japan ( 美國支持日本成為常任理事國 )
New generation Foreign Policy of PRC 中國新一代外交政策 Hu differed from his predecessor ( 不同於前人的胡 ) Hu differed from his predecessor ( 不同於前人的胡 ) China strongly reject Japan to be member of UNSC. ( 中國反對日本成為常任理事國 ) China strongly reject Japan to be member of UNSC. ( 中國反對日本成為常任理事國 ) China Threat Theory was muted China Threat Theory was muted
New generation Foreign Policy of PRC 中國新一代外交政策 Territorial Dispute between The PRC and Japan ( 中日邊界糾紛 ) Territorial Dispute between The PRC and Japan ( 中日邊界糾紛 )
Conclusion 結論 At present, U.S needs China taking effort on North Korea, would be more friendly than ever. ( 美國需要中國拑制北韓,關係良好 ) At present, U.S needs China taking effort on North Korea, would be more friendly than ever. ( 美國需要中國拑制北韓,關係良好 ) China and Japan will have more conflicts ( 中日將會有更多的衝突 ) China and Japan will have more conflicts ( 中日將會有更多的衝突 )