Tech Topic Presentation Rapid Prototyping
Additive process which combines thin layers of paper, wax, or plastic to create a 3-D object. Additive process which combines thin layers of paper, wax, or plastic to create a 3-D object. Can create complicated internal features that cannot be manufactured by other means. Can create complicated internal features that cannot be manufactured by other means. Used to make prototypes for communication (visual aids), design testing, small production runs, & complicated objects. Used to make prototypes for communication (visual aids), design testing, small production runs, & complicated objects. Quicker & more accurate than machining a prototype. Quicker & more accurate than machining a prototype. Improve cost & time savings. Improve cost & time savings.
Rapid Prototyping Process 1) Create a CAD model of the design 2) Convert the CAD model to STL format 3) Slice the STL file into thin cross-sectional layers 4) Construct a 3-D model one layer on top of another 5) Clean and finish the model
Rapid Prototyping Technologies Stereolithography Stereolithography Selective Laser Sintering Selective Laser Sintering Fused Deposition Modeling Fused Deposition Modeling Laminated Object Manufacturing Laminated Object Manufacturing
Selective Laser Sintering
Fused Deposition Modeling
Laminated Object Manufacturing
Comparison Chart Technology >>Stereolithography Selective Laser Sintering Fused Deposition Modeling Laminated Object Manufacturing Maximum Part Size 2323 Speed 2213 Accuracy 3211 Surface Finish 3221 Totals = worst 3 = best
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