Connection Activity
This is good for the classroom because… This isn’t good for the classroom because… Classroom Implications: Partner B: Partner A:
How can you describe the steepness of a roller coaster? 1.Slope is a number which describes the steepness of a line. 2.We use the variable m to stand for slope. Dude, why’d you use the letter m? I named it after my Mom
Why are we learning this? Knowing monomial operations is Algebra standard 10.0: –Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide monomials and polynomials. Students solve multistep problems, including word problems, by using these techniques. There are 2 items on the CAHSEE relating to standard 10.0 There are 4 items on the Algebra CST relating to standard 10.0
Vocabulary Review: Base: A number or variable that is raised to a power. Power/Exponent: A number that shows how many times a base is used as a factor. Coefficient: A number that multiplies a variable. Monomial: A real number, variable or product of a real number and variables with whole number exponents. Examples: y a x 1
Shout out! The base is… -7 j 2 Example 3: Example 4: (xy) 3 4
What do the words mean? 1.Determine who will be shoulder-partner A and shoulder-partner B 2.A says the definition of the word 3.B writes finds the part in the example 4.Define and determine all four vocabulary words The definition of ___ is… That is this part of the example… Example: Base Monom ial Exponent/Po wer Coefficie nt
Common Student Errors With your partner, identify the error made in the problem below and discuss how to avoid the error.
Pencils down… Watch the next two examples… Look for patterns
Share out… If your partner had an idea that helped do these kind of problems, please share their thought. Hey- your shortcut was great!
Closure #2 Write in your notes... which method you will use to multiply monomials.
What are the 4 types of slope? 1.Determine who will be shoulder-partner A and shoulder-partner B 2.A says the name of a type of slope 3.B describes what it looks like 4.Name and describe all four types of slope One type of slope is… That one is…
Do you remember?
With your partner… Put these three steps in the correct order. I will choose a student at random to share out.
Choral Response What is the inverse operation of addition? Subtraction! What is the inverse operation of subtraction? Addition! What is the inverse operation of multiplication? Division! What is the inverse operation of division? Multiplication!
Tell you partner in your own words: What are the two most important rules when solving equations?
Write in the summary section of your notes: What are the two most important rules when solving equations? Click to go to two rules
Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use these signals: is always may be is never
An equilateral triangle acute. is always may be is never
is always may be is never An isosceles triangle right.
Closure25 Before you begin the assignment: 1. Make up your own problem. 2. Exchange problems with your partner. 3. Solve them. 4. Exchange back to check your answers.
Check for Understanding26 Put these three steps in the correct order. A. Fill in the angle measures. B. Write the equation m 1 + m 2 + m 3 = 180º. C. Solve the equation for the missing value. A,B, C B,A, C B,C, A A. Fill in the angle measures. C. Solve the equation for the missing value. B. Write the equation m 1 + m 2 + m 3 + m 4 = 360º.
Is this right? This is a tricky one… The units should be units 2.
Is this right? base height base
Tell your neighbor how to find the median. To find the median...
Write in Your Notes: What are the five items in the five number summary? I can think of one... I bet he knows!
In your notes List the five items required for a box-and-whisker plot. 2. Write a short description for each.
In your notes: Write a new definition for mean, median and mode, USING YOUR OWN WORDS. Compare your definitions with your partner’s definitions. Add to your definitions or revise them if necessary.