Research of difference OS for authentication and encryption Group member:Li Man Yiu Tsun Yu Hin Wong Nok Wai
Strengths and weaknesses of in difference mobile device platform Palm webOS Symbian Iphone OS Google Android
Palm webOS Strengths: Development in standard web technologies with the best mobile development environment Very few developers Weaknesses: Minuscule market share Many people perception that Palm won’t survive Very few name brand developers Authentication and encryption Allow the user to set password RAS securID
Strengths: On more smartphones than any other operating system Multiple sales locations On all carriers worldwide Has leading hardware vendor (Nokia) backing it Weaknesses: Most users don’t know they have a Symbian device Multiple versions of the OS makes development costlier Authentication and encryption Allow the user to set password Advanced Encryption Standand Symbian
iPhone OS Strengths: Strong growth, not lacking for users Controlled infrastucture means incredible user experience (easy to buy apps and install, syncs seamlessly with desktop, etc.) Attracting name-brand developers Customers buying lots of software Weaknesses: Lengthy release cycles Apps are really cheap and expectations are set App Store as only purchase location means limited means to market Authentication and encryption Allow the user to set password Unique device passcode to generate the encryption key Remote wipe command from exchange or a mobile device management server
Android Strengths: Growing rapidly, lots of users Multiple hardware partners (potentially more devices) Deep-pocketed backer (Google) who sees this as strategic Attracting name-brand developers NDK supports C engine On all carriers Weaknesses: Poor app store experience (hear say) Customers aren’t buying lots of software yet Development environment is Java (this is great if you are a Java developer but most of the mobile world is focused around C) Authentication and encryption Public Key infrastructure (PKI) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) Support BioLock
Indicate how our chosen platform may enable the development and support of a mobile workforce Cost Type of work Requirement Performance Security Appearance User interface