ARC 251 Term Project The Impact of Culturs in Architecture and Urban Design The Impact of Culturs in Architecture and Urban Design Done By: Yousef Al-Mubarak Done By: Yousef Al-Mubarak
Introduction Have you ever go to a far country and see the buildings and the houses there ? Have you ever go to a far country and see the buildings and the houses there ? They look different from each other The layout are different The opening are different The privacy issue is different The color and finishing are different
Although human share the same needs Although human share the same needs And have the same dimensions And have the same dimensions Why these houses look different ?
Availability of materials Availability of materials Function of the building Function of the building Coast Coast The Culture of the country The Culture of the country
The Culture It is related to the religion It is related to the religion Reflected on the organization of the city Reflected on the organization of the city Reflected on the organization if the buildings in the neighborhood Reflected on the organization if the buildings in the neighborhood Reflected on the layout of the house plan Reflected on the layout of the house plan
Example of two cultures Weastern House Weastern House Open plan Shared places in the house Boundaries Between private and shared places are less Boundaries between houses are less Men and women at the same place Eastern House (Islamic) Eastern House (Islamic) Closed plan Defined places in the house Clear boundaries between private and shared spaces Clear boundaries between houses in the neighborhood Men and women are seperated
The culture (style) Nowadays, culture doesn’t appear as a style in a clear way Nowadays, culture doesn’t appear as a style in a clear way Modern buildings look similar allover the world Modern buildings look similar allover the world The new technology changed some elements (Courtyard, fountain,wind catchers) The new technology changed some elements (Courtyard, fountain,wind catchers) The growing of population The growing of population Impact of cultures on another one Impact of cultures on another one
Impact of Cultures How can a culture effect another one? How can a culture effect another one? What are the major effects? What are the major effects?
Impact of Cultures Ways of impact Ways of impact Transportation of people Visitors and Tourism Communication and new technology (Internet, TV) Foreigner workers Studying abroad
Housing complex for foreigner workers in Saudi Arabia Housing complex for foreigner workers in Saudi Arabia It is built inside the city It has the western style The privacy issues are less Different tradition of life Women driving/ Dressing
Studying abroad Studying abroad They are staying for a long time They way of communication and living They way of thinking will be different The Religion impact They will bring the impact when they come
But is there any positive effects? But is there any positive effects? People start to communicate Sharing language and knowledge Looking on things from another perspective Sharing experience in science, teaching and art Provide a solutions for the problems in the world based in the tradition and religion
Nowadays Nowadays The cultures are open toward each other Each country knows the other The original traditions became a historical thing The time and the new modernism became our culture along with the technology development