Quine-McClusky Minimization Method Module M4.3 Section 5.3
Quine-McCluskey Method Tabular Representations Prime Implicants Essential Prime Implicants
Tabular Representations WX YZ F = X & Y # !W & Y & !Z # W & !Y & Z # !W & X !W & X 01-- !W & Y & !Z 0-10 X & Y -11- W & !Y & Z 1-01
Prime Implicants F = X & !Y & Z # !X & !Z # !X & Y Each product term is an implicant A product term that cannot have any of its variables removed and still imply the logic function is called a prime implicant.
Prime Implicants X YZ F = Y & !Z # X
Prime Implicants F = Y & !Z # X X YZ Minterm X Y Z F 0 O O O O O
Finding Prime Implicants O Step 1Step 2 (2,6) (4,5) (4,6) (5,7) (6,7) Step 3 (4,5,6,7) (4,6,5,7) All unchecked entries are Prime Implicants -10 Y & !Z 1-- X
Prime Implicants F = Y & !Z # X X YZ Minterm X Y Z F 0 O O O O O
Essential Prime Implicants WX YZ Find the essential prime implicants using the Q-M method.
Essential Prime Implicants WX YZ minterms
Finding Prime Implicants Step 1Step 2 (0,1) 000- (0,2) 00-0 (0,8) -000 (1,3) 00-1 (1,5) 0-01 (2,3) 001- (2,10) -010 (8,10) 10-0 (3,7) 0-11 (5,7) 01-1 (10,14) 1-10 (7,15) -111 (14,15) 111- Step 3 (0,1,2,3) 00-- (0,2,1,3) 00-- (0,2,8,10) -0-0 (0,8,2,10) -0-0 (1,5,3,7) 0--1 (1,3,5,7) Prime Implicants
Find Essential Prime Implicants Prime Implicant Covered minterms Minterms ,14 7,15 14,15 0,1,2,3 0,2,8,10 1,3,5,7 XX XX XX XX X X XXXX X XXX *
3 Prime Implicants WX YZ !W & Z W & X & Y !X & !Z F = !W & Z # W & X & Y # !X & !Z