Modelling Collaborative Semantics with a Geographic Recommender Christoph Schlieder SeCoGIS Workshop November 7, 2007, Auckland Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Informatik in den Kultur-, Geschichts- und Geowissenschaften Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
08-2 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics A geographic place Bamberg UNESCO world heritage site
08-3 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics A different conceptualization Bamberg beer capital of Bavaria
08-4 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Yet another conceptualization Bamberg ?
08-5 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Conceptual modelling Place concepts „Bamberg“, „Southern Germany“, „Europe“, … Thematically and spatially different conceptualizations Issues Formal semantics of place concepts Data about different conceptualizations Contributions Semantic analysis based on multi-object (!) tagging User similarity data from a geographic recommender
08-6 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Tripost Recommender
08-7 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Part 1 Geo-information communities Part 2 Collaborative Semantics Part 3 Geographic Recommender
08-8 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Geo-information communities Information community Gould & Hecht (2001) A Framework for Geospatial and Statistical Information OGC white paper An information community is a group of people who share a common geospatial feature data dictionary (including definitions of feature relationships) and a common metadata schema. Gould & Hecht (2001)
08-9 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Example Cadastral Communities Data and process models 27 national cadastral authorities in the EU 1 community designing the Cadastral Reference Model Ontological engineering One ontology per information community Cadastral Reference Model Lemmen et al. (2003)
08-10 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Conceptual modelling High quality 30 experts from cadastral agencies, GIScience and Knowledge Engineering Description logic-based modelling (OWL-DL) High cost 4 years for understanding and modelling property transaction processes COST G9 Modelling real property transactions
08-11 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Ontological engineering Hess, Schlieder (2006) Ontology-based Verification of Core Model Conformity, CEUS National cadastral data model + intended correspondences Core Cadastral Data Model + conformity constraints Conformity checker (OWL-DL)
08-12 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Information communities Traditional view Each information community defines its ontology Number of communities or ontologies << 100 Complex conceptualization uses DL role restrictions Semantic boundaries Ontologies come with crisp semantic boundaries The Greek cadastral model is not the Danish model Semantic Web technologies are appropriate (OWL-DL)
08-13 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Part 1 Geo-information communities Part 2 Collaborative Semantics Part 3 Geographic Recommender
08-14 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Collaborative geodata acquisition Social Web Communities of users who collect geospatial data Collaborative mapping GPS biking trail libraries Morris et al. (2004), Matyas (2007) Public domain street maps dense data for London sparse data for Brussels
08-15 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Collaborative metadata acquisition Social tagging Categorization of geospatial data by a community Keywords („tags“) describe spatio-temporal coverage and content type Folksonomies folk taxonomy = tag vocabulary
08-16 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Tagging as categorization task tagged by data producer farm track
08-17 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Tag frequency Example images categories (tags) Power law frequency rank - 36% tags used once only 24% tags used 2-5 times Most frequent tag used times ranktag 1Church 2Farmland 3Farm … 2782Windmill stump 2783Luminous object in space (sun) 2784Penstock
08-18 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Spatial coverage Neuschwanstein POI in Google maps
08-19 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Folksonomies Low cost Categorization by voluntary contributors (non-experts) Low quality No controlled vocabulary house vs. house manson vs. manor house misclassifications Misclassification by a non-expert
08-20 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics The semantics of tags User tagging Not just the contributor but all users provide tags Conflicting tags (!) Semantic analysis Ternary semantic relation for user tagged data Classical view tagging(object, tag) Gruber (2005) tagging(object, tag, user)
08-21 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Multi-object tagging Collection of objects place name tag Semantic analysis tagging({obj1,…,objN}, tag, user)
08-22 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Bug or feature? Quality problem (bug) Serious for folksonomies Even more serious if user tagging is permitted Unmanageable for multi- object user tagging? Consequence Use folksonomies only as the poor man‘s ontology
08-23 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Bug or feature? Data source (feature) Multi-object user tagging informs us about different conceptualizations Consequence Invert the task of finding a tag for a multi-object Find n objects from a collection of m >> n to illustrate a (place) concept
08-24 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics The semantics of multi-object tags Hypothesis Selection is based on two conflicting criteria Typicality: choose typical instances of the concept Variablity: show the variability of the concept violation of the variability criterion
08-25 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Empirical data
08-26 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Conceptual modelling Issues How can we describe the semantics of place concepts? How do we obtain data about different conceptualizations? Selection task Selection seems based on two conflictin criteria: typicality and variability Multi-object tagging User tagging of multi-objects informs about the place concepts of individual users tagging({obj1,…,objN}, tag, user)
08-27 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Part 1 Geo-information communities Part 2 Collaborative Semantics Part 3 Geographic Recommender
08-28 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Recommender systems Item-to-item similarity recommendations
08-29 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Multi-object recommendation Use case The user selects images and captions for a patchwork postcard. The system generates other patchwork postcards with appropriate captions TriPost Webservice
08-30 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Tags of a single user Bamberg Cardiff Dublin Antwerpen Anna‘s multi-object tags
08-31 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Feature similarity AnnaBillClioDonEmmaFranz Bamberg Cardiff Southern Germany Southeast of England sim(A,B) = |A∩B| / |A ∪ B| 2/3 0.66
08-32 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics User-to-user similarity AnnaBillClioDonEmmaFranz Anna Bill Clio Don Emma Franz
08-33 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Spatial similarity Spatial Partonomy Users visiting a similar selection of places are considered similar Example: Europe in 7 days Which Countries? Which Cities? Which Fotographs? Printed patchwork postcard
08-34 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Computing similarity Measures Feature similarity e.g. Tversky measure User-user similarity e.g. averaged feature similarity Central idea User-to-user similarity in the selection task is interpreted as a measure for shared conceptualization Information community The community of a user u consists of the k users most similar to u.
08-35 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Tag Communities A D F B C E C A B A D F B C E E FD F 3-neighbors(C)C 3-neighbors(F) Fuzzy semantic boundary 2-, 3-, 4-community?
08-36 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Conclusions Issues Formal semantics of place concepts Data about different conceptualizations Contributions Semantic analysis based on multi-object (!) tagging User similarity data from a geographic recommender Consequences Tagging communities are different from information communities
08-37 Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing Schlieder: Modelling Collaborative Semantics Conclusions Folksonomies modeling of semantics before the emergence of information communities before crisp semantic boundaries have been established Semantic Web ontologies modeling of semantics after that phase they assume crisp semantic boundaries