Module 13 ESP Syllabus
What’s inside Bases for language syllabus: content, skill, method Criteria to organize syllabus Which syllabus to choose
Bases for language syllabus: content, skill, method Bases for Language Syllabuses PROCESS ends-driven PROCESS Means-driven CONTENT SKILL METHOD FORM TOPIC TOPIC LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESS PROCEDURAL Informational focus Receptive/Productive Skill acquisition focus Learning focus Learner-led Cognitive focus Task-based structural focus Structural analytic FUNCTIONAL Non analytic SITUATION Notional/functional focus contextual focus Functional-analytic
Content-based syllabus Product Syllabus Process syllabus
Types of syllabus Content-based syllabuses: language form, language notion, language function Content-based syllabuses: situation, topic Skill-based syllabuses Method-based syllabuses: processes Method-based syllabuses: tasks
Which syllabus to choose? Swan (323): “the real issue is not which syllabus to put first. It is how to integrate eight or so syllabuses (functional, notional, situational, topic, phonological, lexical, structural, skills) into a sensible teaching programme.”
Course design Course design involves putting the theoretical decisions about objectives and syllabus into a context.
Context: Constraints (eg. Political factor government attitude, the status of English, etc.) ESP and language planning: ‘it is the planning of deliberate changes in the form or the use of a language, typically at government level. Management issues: (eg. timing and timetable of courses, the location, the nature of classrooms, number and capabilities of teachers involved, etc)
Module 14 Presentation
What’s Inside Designing a syllabus Students’ presentation Evaluation
The materials: Presentation of a syllabus based on a requirement of a job.
Consider: 1. The type of job of your students
2. Conduct a need analysis based on your judgment.
3. Design a syllabus that match your students’ needs
4. Make an appropriate assessment material
5. Conduct role play and simulations
6. Provide Evaluation based on the presentation