1 Ganesh Iyer Final Exam l Final Exam will be on Monday 10 th December. l Exam will be based on a mini-case and on all the course materials and you will be asked 2-3 specific questions. l Mini case will be about 5 pages long and you will be asked to answer specific questions based on the case. l Open book, you will be able to bring your class notes and materials. »This is not a test of how well you can cram. »Will be a test of how well you can apply the concepts and theory to real world situations. l You will have plenty of time…a total of 3 hours. »Most people should be able to finish the exam in 2.5 hours…but want to make the exam stress-free. »Will not be a test of how fast you read and how quick on the draw you are. »Rather it will be a test of how well you understand the material and how well you can apply it to real-life decision situations.
2 Ganesh Iyer Final Exam l Questions may involve an application of the theory or technique to the actual marketing problem facing the company. »Examples –Application of perceptual mapping to understand consumer segments. –Considerations in choosing a pricing policy for a new product. l Questions may also be related to the concepts or case facts that we have already discussed in the class so that the question is easy for you to understand »For example on pricing may relate it to optical distortion. »On the marketing concept may use bombardier as an example.
3 Ganesh Iyer Final exam l 4 possible types of questions 1. What is the decision problem in the case? What is your recommendation? Justify your recommendation. 2. Consumer analysis. –How will you segment the market? Which segment will you pick and why? –Market research: what are the market research needs. Which type of market research among the ones you have studied would be relevant for the situation at hand. –What kind of information will you want.? 3. Competition Analysis –Who are the competitors? How will you position against competition? 4. Marketing strategy analysis: –How will you price? –What channel of distribution will you choose? –What type of advertising strategy will you use? –Product decisions, product line
4 Ganesh Iyer How to prepare for the finals? l Read and understand all the assigned materials for each week. l Read all the lecture notes and understand the lecture notes. »Study the theory and understand how they apply to the case materials. l Solve the sample final »Will be on the website on Friday and will also be distributed next week in class. l I will also hold an extra help session on Saturday 8 th December in the last week before the exams.