Finding GIS Data & Preparing It For Use.
What does the Yale Map Collection GIS Service do?
Data Distribution ESRI World Base Data: For each geography included, the significant basemap layers are: Boundaries Cities Rivers Roads In some cases demographic data is available for sub- national boundaries.
Data Distribution ESRI USA Base Data: –U.S. Census Boundaries and Demographics –StreetMap USA – Indexed and optimized for address- matching –Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Cultural Points –National Atlas of the United States –USGS Topographic Quadrangle Series Indexes- 24k, 100k, 250k
Data Distribution National Elevation Dataset 1/3 (NED): –Raster elevation data at 30m resolution for the Coterminous U.S. GEOLYTICS Census Data –Third-party software package that allows custom U.S. Census dataset construction down to the block level census geography. HUSCO: –Historic U.S. Counties. County-level U.S. Census boundaries from present
Data Distribution BioClim Data – Global Climatic data based upon a 30 arc-second (1km) grid: –Annual Mean Temperature –Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) –Isothermality (P2/P7) (* 100) –Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) –Max Temperature of Warmest Month –Min Temperature of Coldest Month –Temperature Annual Range (P5-P6) –Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter –Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter –Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter –Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter –Annual Precipitation –Precipitation of Wettest Month –Precipitation of Driest Month –Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) –Precipitation of Wettest Quarter –Precipitation of Driest Quarter –Precipitation of Warmest Quarter –Precipitation of Coldest Quarter
Data Search For specialized data needs, we provide data search services to locate suitable data solutions, including: –Custom Business Data –Satellite Imagery –Environmental data
Data Acquisition In some cases, when licensing allows the free distribution of data, and when data may be of wide usability to the Yale community, GIS Services will contribute to the acquisition cost for geospatial datasets.
The Yale Map Collection GIS Data Links
Federal Sources
The USGS Seamless Data Distribution System (SDDS)
The U.S. Census Bureau
State Sources
Connecticut Dept. of Environmental Protection
State Environmental Agencies
STARTING the HUNT Guide to Mostly On-Line and Mostly Free U.S. Geospatial and Attribute Data
Commercial Sources
ArcData Download Census 2000 TIGER/Line® Data
The Geography Network
The GIS Data Depot