E-participation for the Determination of Best Available Techniques in Industrializing Countries Dipl.-Geoökol. Hannes Schollenberger, Dr. Jutta Geldermann, Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Martin Treitz, Prof. Dr. Otto Rentz French-German Institute for Environmental Research (DFIU) University of Karlsruhe (TH), Hertzstr. 16, D Karlsruhe, Germany Tel: Fax: TED Workshop: e-Participation in Environmental Decision Making of May 2005 Helsinki and Conference Boat, Finland
2 Environmental sound techniques are in the focus of techno- economic evaluations of industrial processes Introduction Best Available Techniques (BAT) Conditions in Emerging Countries A Metric for the Determination of Best Available Techniques Case Study: Painting of Plastic Parts Conclusions Outline
3 Introduction Best Available Techniques (BAT) Conditions in Emerging Countries A Metric for the Determination of Best Available Techniques Case Study: Painting of Plastic Parts Conclusions Outline Environmental sound techniques are in the focus of techno- economic evaluations of industrial processes
4 Improving resource efficiency is one key element for sustainable development Due to their rapid growth and their demand for resources, emerging economies have to be included in the development of new strategies for a sustainable development. Best Available Techniques (BAT), being a key element of European environmental policy, might be one possible approach to be considered by global strategies for sustainability. Due to the differences in the technological structure and the environmental priorities between countries, a consistent and flexible assessment method is needed for the evaluation of process improvements based on resource efficiency. Introduction A metric for the determination of BAT is defined, which considers country specific criteria and may also be used in the context of technology transfer
5 Environmental sound techniques are in the focus of techno- economic evaluations of industrial processes Introduction Best Available Techniques (BAT) Conditions in Emerging Countries A Metric for the Determination of Best Available Techniques Case Study: Painting of Plastic Parts Conclusions Outline
6 The transfer of the determination method of BAT to emerging economies requires the adaptation of the criteria The objective of BAT is the improvement considering the use of primary resources and other production factors The determination of BAT requires the assessment of parameters from the three pillars of sustainability: economic, ecological and social Due to preferences and criteria being specific for each country, a flexible approach is necessary for the evaluation of the techniques in the global context The European IPPC-Directive (1996/61/EC) defines BAT as follows: The concept of BAT
7 Environmental sound techniques are in the focus of techno- economic evaluations of industrial processes Introduction Best Available Techniques (BAT) Conditions in Emerging Countries A Metric for the Determination of Best Available Techniques Case Study: Painting of Plastic Parts Conclusions Outline
8 “By not considering the special circumstances of particular countries, one-size-fits-all policies are less likely to succeed” 1) Financial Situation and Policy Financing is a key barrier to investment in cleaner production facilities in industrializing countries Local certification bodies in many countries are not accredited by the importing countries’ authorities. Differences in personnel costs, energy and material costs (dependency of expensive imported material (e.g. coatings), investment planning, planning horizon and reliability Environmental Conditions Air pollution from man-made sources are a major problem. Ground level ozone concentrations are a major concern in both urban and rural areas. Insufficient wastewater regulations based on a central authority vs. a demand-oriented management Rising energy demand of industrializing countries requires major improvements in efficiency and the incorporation of renewable energy sources. Industrial Structures Differences in ownership Geographical conditions and differences in infrastructure Conditions in Industrializing Countries 1) Source: Steenblik, R., Andrew, D., Trade and environment, Observer 233.
9 Environmental sound techniques are in the focus of techno- economic evaluations of industrial processes Introduction Best Available Techniques (BAT) Conditions in Emerging Countries A Metric for the Determination of Best Available Techniques Case Study: Painting of Plastic Parts Conclusions Outline
10 The determination of Best Available Techniques is based on one single aggregated measure The presented concept can be used by political authorities as well as by equipment suppliers The difference to actual concepts is that this approach allows the aggregation of parameters with different background (economic, ecological,social) and units BAT-Metric (1/5) Description of an existing technique The number n of criteria define the dimension of the problem Nomenclature
11 A positive reference is defined based on the optimal values of each of the criteria Description of an optimal technique Nomenclature BAT-Metric (2/5) In general the ideal technique representing this optimal state does not exist. opt is used as a positive reference for the techniques under consideration. For each criterion an optimal value can be defined, or using the minimum value of the set of techniques, or by e-participation of stakeholders.
12 Legal requirements are used to define the maximum tolerable values of the criteria The limit values of the criteria represent legal norms in the case of natural resources They can also be defined by authorities if no legal amendment exists Economic values may e.g. describe the maximum contribution (investment) to be expected by a company Nomenclature BAT-Metric (3/5)
13 The requirements to be fulfilled by a technique being classified as BAT are described by one single measure The obtained values (1) reflect the local preferences The reciprocal of the sum defines the measure d BAT (2) Advantages: Differences between the countries are depicted by the measure The stricter the requirements, the lower the value of the measure The increase of one criterion must be compensated by an improvement of another Definition of a measure for BAT (1) (2) Nomenclature BAT-Metric (4/5)
14 (2) A normalization is required for the aggregation all criteria of a technique to one single measure (1) For the evaluation of a specific technique, the measure d Γ (2) is compared directly with d BAT The contribution factors (3) describe the influence of each criterion on the final measure and are specific for each country The evaluation of a technique in the context of BAT is based on different measures (1) Evaluation of a technique in the framework of BAT (3) BAT-Metric (5/5) Nomenclature
15 Environmental sound techniques are in the focus of techno- economic evaluations of industrial processes Introduction Best Available Techniques (BAT) Conditions in Emerging Countries A Metric for the Determination of Best Available Techniques Case Study: Painting of Plastic Parts Conclusions Outline
16 The application of paint is of high environmental concern due to the related emissions Completely automated process Transport of parts on skids Robot application using air assisted spray gun Exhaust gas passes a double S Venturi-washer Evaluated application process
17 Parameters have to be selected for the characterization of the technique to be studied The paint application on plastic parts can be characterized using the following parameters: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) VOC-emissions (VOC) Energy consumption per square meter of painted surface Description of the technique
18 The limit and optimal values are the basis of the country specific measure to be calculated Definition of the framework Limit values define the maximal acceptable conditions Optimal values reflect the best possible solution for each country
19 Local preferences can be obtained by stakeholder participation using web-based instruments Involvement of e-participation General idea In a lot of emerging countries no legal restrictions (= limit values) are defined for emissions to air, water and soil Through the e-participation of stakeholders local preferences concerning environmental impacts can be determined including more stakeholders than today (optimal values) Implications for the approach Instead of legal requirements or expert panels, a public census may be used to obtain optimal and limit values The metric itself remains unchanged, but the weighting factors may reflect local preferences in a more reliable way Actors involved Companies need to fulfill the requirements Banks, Credit Institutes finance the necessary investments Citizens interested in certain environmental standards Authorities need to develop the respective instruments
20 The actual start-of-the-art of a country may be used for the definition of e.g. a discrete scale Possible implementation Example VOC-emissions: Determination of the distribution of existing emission values based e.g. on the technology screening, existing measurements etc. Possible definition of a discrete scale for emerging countries: Verbal expressionRelated distribution percentile [%] Not important90 Less important75 More or less important50 More important25 Very important10
21 The comparison of d BAT and the measure of the technique d shows the need of process improvement Evaluation Basic technique Switch to waterborne paints Installation of a biological water treatment plant Installation of a thermal incineration Requirements fulfilled (d · d BAT )
22 The different preferences determine the shape of the solution space (= BAT domain)
23 The contribution factors indicate which of the parameters should be improved Improvement process Water treatment Thermal incineration Waterborne paints COD VOC Energy
24 Environmental sound techniques are in the focus of techno- economic evaluations of industrial processes Introduction Best Available Techniques (BAT) Conditions in Emerging Countries A Metric for the Determination of Best Available Techniques Case Study: Painting of Plastic Parts Conclusions Outline
25 BAT are a measure to support sustainable development in industrializing countries Best Available Techniques: Are an instrument for authorities on the way towards a more environmental sound production. Can be used by equipment suppliers involved in the transfer of technologies to other countries as an orientation. The presented metric: Is a flexible approach for the consideration of preferences and specific legal framework of different countries. Allows the evaluation of techniques under different conditions using always the same mathematical concept. Uses one single measure (d BAT ) for the determination of BAT which allows the consideration of parameters with different background, in contrast to other approaches as e.g. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). Indicates which of the selected parameters should be improved in order to fulfill legal requirements using contribution factors. Conclusions (1/2)
26 A lot of open questions need to be answered before involving stakeholders by e-participations How to weight the inputs? Is the expertise of each participant equivalent? Does the number of stakeholders interested in a subject (e.g. VOC-emissions) has an influence on the weight among the criteria? Which kind of information should be used? A discrete scale or unformatted text? Who defines the necessary transformations? Which are the most suitable technical means for addressing all stakeholders? Conclusions (2/2)