1 Materials & Resources Sankey Diagrams Scott Matthews /
Administrative Issues HW 4 Due Today No HW due next week (taking a week off) Project Updates Any left? HW 5 coming Start tracking your expenses AND your general “material/resource” flow starting tomorrow am. Will need to for next HW. 2
Mass Balance Fundamental principle of engineering / environmental engineering (law of conservation of mass) Commoner: “everything must go somewhere” Physical quantities Energy Calories, etc. Relevant: stocks and flows, ins and outs 3
Basic Plan for an MFA Begin building a simple IN=OUT model Start assembling IN, OUT flow data Are there many more relevant IN, OUT flows? Is there a substantial stock or sink? Do we have sufficient data to quantify them? Continue iterating as data and time allow When done, summarize as many disaggregate stocks and flows as possible Typically express results “over life cycle” 4
5 Source: USGS, Obsolete Computers, “Gold Mine,” or High-Tech Trash? Resource Recovery from Recycling
Our Computer “MFA” 6
Study 1997 Study
Computer Flow Study Results 1991 Model: By million sold, 150 million landfilled 1997 Model: By 2005 – 680 million sold, 55 million landfilled (one acre piled 4000 feet high) 150 million recycled (originally almost none) What affects them? Shouldn’t percents/etc change year by year (ie by an increasing or decreasing trend of % recycled?) 8
Policy Relevance of MFA Can we track natural versus anthropogenic flows? JIE paper – Cadmium – only way to reduce is to eliminate inflow But inflow is byproduct of Zinc; either need to eliminate zinc production or cut off co-product Structure of such studies – and construction of the stock/flow models – yields insights Can we learn more about connections between stocks and flows, our activities? 9
MFA Issues Data / methods are largest barriers (conceptually simple otherwise) What about uncertainty? 10
Sankey Diagrams Generally used for Energy flow analyses Implicit assumptions The diagrams concern quantity sizes that are related to a period in time or to a functional unit, such as a product unit. The quantity scale is proportional (i.e., twice the quantity is represented by an arrow that is twice as wide). Inventories are not taken into account (i.e., there is no stock formation). An energy or mass balance is maintained. 11
13 Source: WRI,
Lead Flows 1970 (USGS) 15
Lead Flows
Non-renewable resource consumption As new resources identified, production and consumption small, grow slowly With new uses, new demand, thus exploration Demand continues as we find new supply New supplies become harder to find Inevitably raises costs, reduces demand Feedback loop to looking for less supply Eventually “known” reserves run out 17
Hubbert’s Curve (Shell Oil 1950s) Projects rate of oil production over time Based on peak of oil well discovery in 1948, Hubbert in 1956 accurately predicted that oil production in the contiguous United States would peak around Since applied to global oil production Implication: a steep drop in production implies global oil production will decline so rapidly we will not have enough time to develop alternatives 18 Source: (original 1956 report)
Hubbert’s assumptions Production curve: We know production=0 at t=0, t=infinity If P=dQ/dt (change in production).. Area under curve = total production Q(t) cumulative production Hubbert inevitably assumes symmetric production functions 19
20 Source
Hubbert’s “prior data” Production in “old” regions of the US 21
Any curve that starts and ends at zero, hits a peak, and has as the area the total available resource is possible The question is which is more likely? 22
In-Class Exercise: Hubbert curve for global oil (conventional only) Find/draw a Hubbert curve. Simply put, relevant data to estimate ultimate production are: U= cumulative production, reserves, “yet to find” “Yet to find” a “round off error” kind of number representing oil we think is out there Sum of these 3 ~ ultimate production (U) Saudi Arabia - #1 producer - notoriously quiet on publicly revealing their amount of reserves. Why? 23
Data Point #1 24
Data Points #2 25
Relevance for Other Materials Fossil fuels, e.g. petroleum are primary needs in production of everything else Plastics – petrochemical feedstocks (part of push for biobased feedstocks) 26