Case Study Team 9
2 Mission Statement The aim is to support teaching and researching of all students and faculty through the provision of relevant information, resources in all formats.
3 Team 9 5 Major Goals 1. Using the opportunity of having to rebuild innovative user-oriented environmentally friendly library to foster academic excellence 2. Support academic programs through quality services and relevant resources in all formats 3. Change the definition of a research library to include integrated support for teaching and learning and for scholarly and research publications 4. Place special focus on transformative change through strategic partnerships 5. Develop a human resources program with a comprehensive, efficient and effective training schedules to upgrade the competencies of the staff
4 Team 9 SWOT Analysis Strengths Highly skilled staff Support of university president Weaknesses Former space is unsuitable for new functions Old director had outdated fuse of services Some staff is inadequately trained Opportunities Collaborations with libraries Budget support is secured to 10 yrs Opportunity to change the way the space is used Threats Remaining print collection is at risk Unavailability of adequately trained staff
5 Team 9 New & Old Services NewOld RFID, self-checkManual circulation E-services, ie. ILLCard catalog Academic commonsTraditional ref desk Info literacy programEliminate traditional cataloging Virtual reference Info packages Shelf-ready books & acquisitions Institutional repository Media Centre Cafe
6 Team 9 Measuring Success Annual user surveys Ongoing assessment studies Staff performance evaluation Statistics analysis and reporting
7 Team 9 Cloud Computing Implement WorldCat Local – reduce operational expenses Adopt Google Calendar to make staff and space scheduling more efficient Use Google Analytics to assess homepage’s usage
8 Team 9 New Staff A search for 1 library director Hire a project manager to coordinate library re- building Hire 4 IT librarians, 2 public services librarians, 4 public services assistants Assess further staffing needs in the following 12 months
9 Team 9 Project Management Plan Recommend to the president to appoint a project manager to form a team and develop an appropriate project management plan for the implementation of this new library
10 Team 9 Thank You