Plan ahead for the GDE Barry Barish ILC Consultations URA, Washington DC 12-May-05
ILC Consultations - Washington DC2 Starting Point for the GDE Superconducting RF Main Linac
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC3 “Target” Parameters for the ILC E cm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity ∫ Ldt = 500 fb -1 in 4 years Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV Energy stability and precision below 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC4 TESLA Concept The main linacs based on 1.3 GHz superconducting technology operating at 2 K. The cryoplant, is of a size comparable to that of the LHC, consisting of seven subsystems strung along the machines every 5 km.
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC5 TESLA Cavity RF accelerator structures consist of close to 21,000 9-cell niobium cavities operating at gradients of 23.8 MV/m (unloaded as well as beam loaded) for 500 GeV c.m. operation. The rf pulse length is 1370 µs and the repetition rate is 5 Hz. At a later stage, the machine energy may be upgraded to 800 GeV c.m. by raising the gradient to 35 MV/m.
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC6 Reference Points for the ILC Design 33km 47 km TESLA TDR 500 GeV (800 GeV) US Options Study 500 GeV (1 TeV)
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC7 TESLA Test Facility Linac laser driven electron gun photon beam diagnostics undulator bunch compressor superconducting accelerator modules pre- accelerator e - beam diagnostics 240 MeV120 MeV16 MeV4 MeV
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC8 Experimental Test Facility - KEK Prototype Damping Ring for X-band Linear Collider Development of Beam Instrumentation and Control
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC9 Evaluation: Technical Issues
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC10 GDE – Near Term Plan Organize the ILC effort globally –First Step --- Appoint Regional Directors within the GDE who will serve as single points of contact for each region to coordinate the program in that region. –Make Website, coordinate meetings, collaborative R&D, etc Represent the ILC internationally –Represent the ILC internationally –Outreach to our community and beyond
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC11 GDE – Near Term Plan Staff the GDE –Administrative, Communications, Web staff –Regional Directors (each region) –Engineering/Costing Engineer (each region) –Civil Engineer (each region) –Key Experts for the GDE design staff from the world community (please give input) –Fill in missing skills (later) Total staff size about 20 FTE ( )
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC12 GDE – Near Term Plan Schedule Begin to define Configuration (Aug 05) Baseline Configuration Document by end of Put Baseline under Configuration Control (Jan 06) Develop Conceptual Design Report by end of 2006 Three volumes -- 1) Conceptual Design Report; 2) Shorter glossy version for non-experts and policy makers ; 3) Detector Concept Report
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC13 GDE – Near Term Plan What is the Conceptual Design Report –Include site dependence – 3 or more sample sites –Detector Design Concept / Scope (1 vs 2, options, etc) –Reliable Costs – strong emphasis during design on cost consciousness --- value Engineering, trade studies, industrialization, etc This report will be the basis for moving on to a technical design to be ready before physics from the LHC establishes the science case.
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC14 GDE – Near Term Plan –R&D Program Coordinate worldwide R & D efforts, in order to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc. (Proposal Driven to GDE)
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC15 International/Regional Organization ILC-Americas Regional Team Regional Director and Deputy Institutional ILC Managers for major instiutional members Cornell ILC-NSF PI TRIUMF ILC-Canada Manager NSF-funded Institutions Canadian Institutions Lead Labs Work Package Oversight ILCSC GDE - Director Regional USLCSG Funding Agencies FNAL ILC-FNAL Manager WP 1.FNAL WP 1.ANL WP 3.FNAL SLAC ILC-SLAC Manager WP 2.SLAC WP 2.BNL WP 3.SLAC communications ILC-AsiaILC-Europe International Regional
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC16 ILC Design Issues First Consideration : Physics Reach ILC Parameters Energy Reach Luminosity
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC17 Working Parameter Set “Point Design”
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC18 GDE will do a “Parametric” Design nomlow Nlrg Ylow P N nbnb e x,y mm, nm 9.6, 4010,3012,8010,35 b x,y cm, mm 2, , 0.21, 0.41, 0.2 s x,y nm 543, , , 8452, 3.8 DyDy d BS % szsz mm P beam MW L Range of parameters design to achieve 210 34
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC19 Towards the ILC Baseline Design
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC20 TESLA Cost Estimate 3,136 M€ (no contingency, year 2000) + ~7000 person years
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC21 Cost Breakdown by Subsystem Civil SCRF Linac
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC22 RF SC Linac Challenges Energy: 500 GeV, upgradeable to 1000 GeV RF Accelerating Structures –Accelerating structures must support the desired gradient in an operational setting and there must be a cost effective means of fabrication. –~17,000 accelerating cavities/500 GeV –Current performance goal is 35 MV/m, (operating at 30 MV/m ) Trade-off cost and technical risk. 1 m Risk Cost~Theoretical Max
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC23 (Improve surface quality -- pioneering work done at KEK) BCPEP Several single cell cavities at g > 40 MV/m 4 nine-cell cavities at ~35 MV/m, one at 40 MV/m Theoretical Limit 50 MV/m Electro-polishing
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC24 Gradient Results from KEK-DESY collaboration must reduce spread (need more statistics) single-cell measurements (in nine-cell cavities)
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC25 New Cavity Shape for Higher Gradient? TESLA Cavity A new cavity shape with a small Hp/Eacc ratio around 35Oe/(MV/m) must be designed. - Hp is a surface peak magnetic field and Eacc is the electric field gradient on the beam axis. - For such a low field ratio, the volume occupied by magnetic field in the cell must be increased and the magnetic density must be reduced. - This generally means a smaller bore radius. - There are trade-offs (eg. Electropolishing, weak cell-to-cell coupling, etc) Alternate Shapes
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC26 Gradient vs Length Higher gradient gives shorter linac –cheaper tunnel / civil engineering –less cavities –(but still need same # klystrons) Higher gradient needs more refrigeration –‘cryo-power’ per unit length scales as G 2 /Q 0 –cost of cryoplants goes up!
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC27 Klystrons RF power generation and delivery –The rf generation and distribution system must be capable of delivering the power required to sustain the design gradient: 10 MW 5 Hz 1.5 msec ~700 klystrons and modulators for 500 GeV –The rf distribution system is relatively simple, with each klystron powering cavities. Status –Klystrons under development by three vendors (in Europe, Japan, and U.S.) Three units from European vendor (Thales) have come close to meeting spec. Sheet beam under development at SLAC (cost reduction) –Modulators meeting performance spec have been built and operated (at TTF) for the last decade.
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC28 Klystron Development THALUS CPI TOSHIBA 10MW 1.4ms Multibeam Klystrons ~650 for 500 GeV +650 for 1 TeV upgrade
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC29 Towards the ILC Baseline Design Not cost drivers But can be L performance bottlenecks Many challenges!
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC30 Parameters of Positron Sources rep rate # of bunches per pulse # of positrons per bunch # of positrons per pulse TESLA TDR5 Hz28202 · · NLC120 Hz · · SLC120 Hz15 · DESY positron source 50 Hz11.5 · 10 9
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC31 Positron Source Large amount of charge to produce Three concepts: –undulator-based (TESLA TDR baseline) –‘conventional’ –laser Compton based
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12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC35 Strawman Final Focus
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC36 GDE – Near Term Plan Organize the ILC effort globally –Undertake making a “global design” over the next few years for a machine that can be jointly implemented internationally. Snowmass Aug Begin to define Configuration (1 st Step) GDE Dec Baseline Configuration document by end of 2005 Put Baseline under Configuration Control Conceptual Design of Baseline by end of 2006 –Include site dependence – 3 or more sample sites –Detector Design Concept / Scope (1 vs 2, options, etc) –Reliable Costs -- emphasis during design on cost consciousness --- value Engineering, trade studies, industrialization, etc –Coordinate worldwide R & D efforts, in order to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc. (Proposal Driven to GDE)
12-May-05ILC Consultations - Washington DC37 Some issues regarding the GDE? –Make a truly International GDE –Create a common fund –Interact with all our communities –Interact / work with FALC? –Make steps toward central authority, rather than regional authority for GDE or successor. –Develop plan toward an international laboratory –Make a realistic and affordable design ready for construction by the time of LHC results