By: Britanni Hofer Social 20-1 Divergent & Invariable of Canada and United States.
o The two official languages of Canada are, English and French. o Both French and English are offered among Schools all throughout Canada. o Today, 81.4% of Quebecers are francophone. o 23% of Canadians speak French frequently. The other 77% of Canadians speak English. o United States, does not have an official language. Although 96% of their population can speak English good or well. o English 82.1%, Spanish 10.7%, Indo-European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island languages 2.7% and Other languages 0.7%.
The U.S flag consists of 13 Stripes, and 50 Stars. The 50 Stars, stand for the 50 states. And the 13 Stripes, stand for the 13 colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy. Nicknames for the Flag include; Star and Stripes, Old Glory and The Star- Spangled Banner. (Also the name of the National Anthem. The lyrics of the National Anthem come from “Defense of Fort McHenry,” a poem written in By the poet Francis Scott Key. It was set in the tune of the popular British drinking song. Which was written by John Stafford Smith. The Canadian flag, is known as the Maple Leaf and l'Unifolié (one-leafed.) In 1964, there was a controversy about the Canadian Flag, George F.G. Stanley and John Matheson came up with the idea of putting the Maple Leaf on the Canadian Flag. The Flag made it’s first apperance on Febuary 15th The flag, at the top of the page was recommended compared to the flag, now. The Maple leaf has served as a symbol celebrating the nature and environment of what is now Canada since the 1700s. The Canadian anthem had served as a purpose to show both the English and French Side. It served as a National Anthem, since1939, but was not the official National Anthem until This is was signed on July 1 st. Flag and Anthem
Media CanadaUNITED STATES Same: Canadian and American News Stations are the same. You have your local TV broadcasts, with local news, world news, sports, weather and prefab health and wellness segments. Movies are, also the exact same. Different languages. Different: Canadians and American might have the same movies, but they all come out on different days. Weather it’s a local movie playing at the theater or the date of a recent DVD coming out. Mostly all movies are made in the USA, compared to in Canada. Canadians shows ECT, reflect on the American directors and movies. Online Television is known more in the US, and more undeveloped in Canada. Phones also come out after awhile in Canada.
Canadian government American Government The Prime Minister of the Canadian government, is Stephan Harper. Legislature: Parliament Upper house: Senate Lower house: House of Commons Four parties had representatives elected to the federal parliament in the 2008 elections: The Conservative Party of Canada, (Stephan Harper.)The Liberal Party of Canada, (Michael Ignatieff.) The New Democratic Party,( Jack Layton.)The Bloc Quebecois, (Gilles Duceppe.) Elections are every 5 Years, and you have to be legal to vote. The President of the United States is Barack Obama. Vise President is Joe Biden. 1790, was considered to be the first national federation government in the world. Every 2 years, is the mid- term elections. So it is switched around. But every 4 years is the main election. The rules in US, compared to Canada are basically the same. Three parties in America: Democratic (Tim Kaine), Republican (Michael Steele), and Third Parties. Definition of Government: the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states;
Health Care. The Canadian Health Act was adapted in When you are born as a Canadian Citizen you earn what is called a health care card which is issued by the Provincial Ministry of Health. This is so every individual receives the same level of health care. The Health care is free, until a certain point. The amount Canadians spend on health care in 1997, the price has increased every year. Varies of levels of government pay for about 70% of Canadians’ health care. America pays more on health care, then Canada. At least 15% of the population is uninsured. Citizens in the United States spend more money on the health care system then any other Country in the world. Less then 9% of the population purchase individual health care insurance. Recently Barack Obama and Joe Biden have made a plan to lower health care costs to ensure affordable health care in America. The idea is to go under a plan, so you can receive up to $2500 cheaper per year. Today, over half of all American Bankruptcies have been caused by the medical bills. “Health care costs in both countries are rising faster than inflation.”
- Through the research that I have done for this assignment I have found that, yes us Canadians are comparable to America then we would ever think. Although certain Canadians, might disagree, with this statement, through research all in all we are related to the United States, more then we think. Yes, there are some differences, between each Country because we were influenced by the same things and the same people this helps define our similarities and differences. If anything we are more alike them then they are to us. I think either way, we are both individual countries through our own ways, even if we have many differences and similarities, either we like it or not.
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