?Who, How much, How?
Someone robbed the bank! Get your detective minds on and your notebooks ready. Who stole the money? How much was stolen? How did they steal the money? Good Luck
Bank Papers Name Yesterday Today Lucy $84 $99 Kerala $598 $5,000 Jack $999 $1,900 Sandra $5,000 $598 ($4402 lost)
That’s weird, nothing is broken! The Bank! Deposit here!
Lucy Jack Kerala Sandra
I work at this bank. I got a letter... CLICKCLICK A boy put lots of money in his bank account. He’s signature was a little bit off but it was similar. What’s going on? Has there been a robbery? Back
I am a musician I didn’t put any money in my bank account! Did I win the lottery? The only person who has seen my signature is my boyfriend- CLICKCLICK Back
Dear Lucy, My name is Sendra and I cannot come to the bank tomorrow. I was wondering if you could take $4402 out of my account and send it to my address 102 Robbery St Jannali Thankyou Back
I am a surfer! I know, I cannot believe it! I almost got $100 in a scratchy. Today I put the money in the bank, that’s all. Back
John Mitchells Lives 102 Robbery St Jannali “Boyfriend” Male Yesterday appearance: Purple hood, jeans, long hair! Back
I didn’t do any shopping yesterday! But I was going to. When I saw that I lost heaps of money I cried and went home!
Who do you think stole the money? Sandra Kerala Lucy Jack John
Correct! How did he steal the money Pretended he was someone else Broke in and stole the money What Money All of the above
Correct How much money was stolen? $4402 $5000 $98