Company Logo Environmental Impact Assessment Education in Nankai University Prof. He XU Research Center for Strategic Environmental Assessment Nankai University,


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Presentation transcript:

Company Logo Environmental Impact Assessment Education in Nankai University Prof. He XU Research Center for Strategic Environmental Assessment Nankai University, China

Company Logo Outline The needs for EA education in China 1 Introduction to the EIA course in Nankai 2 Course content and methods of instruction 3 Teaching experiences 4

Company Logo Background: EIA in China  EIA in China is well established  many experienced practitioners and administrators  New EIA Law provides stimulus to improve project level EIA  Everyone, but especially developers, need to understand real value of EIA…  save money, gain public support, design better projects, be seen as environmentally credible….  the path to true sustainable development

Company Logo Characteristics of EIA in China  Many years of experience  Well supported by:  legislation, official guidance, administrative structure, licensing system for practitioners  Professional EA practitioners, registered organization/company, including universities technical reviews, training and research  Strong emphasis on pollution control  Concerns about enforcement and effectiveness

Company Logo Part Ⅰ : The needs for EA education  N1: Subject “Environmental assessment & management” has an important position in Environmental Science Education System Environmental Toxicology Environmental Ecology Environmental Engineering Environmental Assessment & Management Environmental Geography

Company Logo Part Ⅰ : The needs for EA education  N4: The EA-related laws demand universities in China integrating the EA course. Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China The EIA Law; Relevant Regulations in other Environmental Protection Law Administrative Measures for a database of Experts o f Reviewing on Environment Impact Assessment (2003) Measures for Reviewing Written Reports on Environ mental Impact of Special Planning (2003) The specific scope of plans that need to compile Pla nning EIA statement (on trial) (2004) The specific scope of plans that need to compile Pla nning EIA chapters or explanations (on trial) (2004) All the department rules are promulgated by SEAP Relevant Local Regulations on EIA Local Government Rules on EIA

Company Logo Part Ⅰ : The needs for EA education  N2: Environmental assessment, as a tool to deal with the environmental pollution, has played a key role in environmental management practice in China.  N3: The high education EA-related trainings/seminars within the context of China are lack, and skilled EA technicians are also required.

Company Logo Part Ⅱ : Introduction to EIA course(nankai uni. case)  EA education in Nankai has been involved into both M.Sc. and B.Sc. Programme  Degree courses open to those in third year of bachelor degree  About 40 Junior students  More than 52 class hours  Graduate EA-related program open to those in first year of master degree  about 60 Graduate students  about 32 class hours

Company Logo Part Ⅱ : Introduction to EIA course  Textbook & Reference:  Environmental Impact Assessment, Textbook Series for 21st Century, Higher Education Press.  Reference Textbook for National Professional Qualification Examination of EIA Engineer in China

Company Logo Part Ⅲ : Course content & methods  Degree Course  Teaching forms: lectures and seminars  Most priorities are given to the project EIA framework and evaluation technologies  Lectures: based on the EIA law and the Technical Guidelines of project environmental impact assessment in China  Seminars: More attentions are paid to the EIA case related class discussions

Company Logo Part Ⅲ : Course content & methods  Outline of Degree Course IssueDetail subject Introduction to Environmental Assessment Intro. (what/where/when/why/how) / Development / Environmental Policy Assessment Regulations Environmental Law / Environmental Assessment Regulations / Environmental relations system Special topics Project analysis / Atmospheric environment / Water environment / Natural ecological environment / Noise environment / Plan EIA & SEA Environmental Planning General Plan / Environmental and land use / Ecological Plan Class discussion Integrated into the lectures related to special topics Based on several case studies and project EIA reports

Company Logo Part Ⅲ : Course content & methods  Special topics in Degree Course :  Technical guideline (framework for conducting EA practice in China)  Project analysis and investigation of pollution sources  Atmospheric environment (Weather, Air Quality, Assessment Model, such as ADMS)  Water environment (Quality of surface water, Hydrology, Quantitative models )  Natural ecological environment (flora and fauna, Natural Assets )  Noise environment (Quality of living environment, Noise mapping and monitoring)  Introduction to Plan EIA

Company Logo Part Ⅲ : Course content & methods  Teaching method in Degree Course  Lectures  Case studies Suitable means for explaining and demonstrating EA in practice  Class discussion Encouraging students to be curious to know more and detailed EA issues

Company Logo Part Ⅲ : Course content & methods  Teaching method in Degree Course  Visualisation Making easier to understand complex issues

Company Logo Part Ⅲ : Course content & methods  Graduate Program:  Teaching forms: special topic-related lectures  Most priorities are given to the international development of EA research  The main content consists of : EIA Law and relevant regulations EA-related technology development Region EIA Plan EIA and SEA Risk Assessment Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy ……

Company Logo Part Ⅳ : Teaching Experience  Focus on the integration with the practical EIA processes  Focus on the integration with the National Professional Qualification Requirement  How to improve the class discussion pattern and effectiveness?  How to keep up with the international development?

Company Logo Thinking about EA in China  Not just about pollution control...  need wider perspectives: health, social, ecological...  new SEA provisions may help  Education is of critical importance  of practitioners, administrators, decision-makers, stakeholders….about EIA, its role, value, practice  Public involvement has real benefits  need to include the wider community, not just representatives?  developers could do more than the minimum?