University of Connecticut 1 Service Centers
University of Connecticut 2 Definition The management of service centers is governed by University policy statement, Financial Management of Services Centers, Policy CADS-3 issued June 19, 1998, effective July 1, Following policy the University has a “Service Center and Cost Recovery Committee” (“SCCRC”). NACUBO states: “A service department provides a specific type of service to various institutional departments rather than to individuals and is supported by internal charges. Such a service might be purchased from commercial sources, but for reasons of convenience, cost or control is often provided more effectively from a service department of the institution.” Service provided to individuals or the general public are Auxiliary Services.
University of Connecticut 3 Service centers may either be a recharge center, such as document production/copy center or physical maintenance labor charges, or a specialized service facility when the services are provided by highly complex or specialized facilities, that for instance perform scientific testing or analysis. These services centers may provide services on an incidental basis to the external users. Definition (continued)
University of Connecticut 4 Criteria for Determining the Need for a Service Center Does it meet the definition? Does a demand exist for the goods/services to be provided? This demand should be by more than one department, unit or activity and should not be based on incidental use. Will there be significant volume of recharging (sales), both in dollar amount and transactions? Will the goods/services be provided on a regular basis? If services are provided, will they be unique or specialized?
University of Connecticut 5 Criteria for Determining the Need for a Service Center (continued) Can the service center be self-supported and not subsidized by the institution? How will this activity be affected by competition with the private sector? Establishment of a center must be approved by the SCCRC.
University of Connecticut 6 After Establishment of a Center - Determine that the following guidelines can be met: All elements of cost incurred in providing the goods/services will be charged to the customers. Costs of other activities may not be charged to the Service Center accounts. Recharged amounts must be based on approved rates applied to the actual quantities of goods/services provided. Service Centers must calculate and publish a rate schedule during the annual budget process. Initial Rates for centers must be reviewed and have the approval of the SCCRC. The Cost Analysis area of Accounting can provide guidance in rate development.
University of Connecticut 7 Section J47 – Specialized Service Facilities Charges must be established to recover no more than the total cost of the service over a long term period. Billing rates charged directly to users must be based on the actual use of the services. Rates must be reviewed periodically (at least biennially) and adjusted if needed. Currently the University requires annual. A schedule of rates must be established which does not discriminate between federally and non-federally supported users. OMB Circular A-21 (Compliance)
University of Connecticut 8 Appendix A – Cost Accounting Standards and their application to service centers. CAS 501 – Service Center costs budgeted in proposals must be reconcilable to actual charges in the accounting system. CAS 502 – Cost must be charged consistently as direct or indirect cost and the rate development process must be consistently applied. CAS 505 – Service centers must exclude unallowable costs from billing rates and must identify the actual costs of providing services to all users, regardless of the funding sources. CAS 506 – Rates should be established based on the University’s fiscal year, unless there is a legitimate reason for using an alternative period. OMB Circular A-21 (Compliance) (continued)
University of Connecticut 9 Federal: Review Guide for Long-Form University Facilities and Administrative Cost Proposal 1. Specialized Service Centers 2. Special requirements for Animal Research facilities A-133 (Audit) Compliance Supplement (Part 3, Compliance Requirements—Internal service, central service, pension, or similar activities) Other Sources of Federal Guidance