The project & the process Theories of mass media Ideology and methods of Culture Jammers The nature of the Internet Keywords: –media, democracy, consumerism, ownership, advertising, oppinions, activism, choice
Highlights The media in a free market system are under constraints, since they are controlled by wealth, power and profit making interests Therefore the mass media does not equally promote all views –aka the
Highlights The media operate in interaction with their audiences Audience can be, and are active, in many ways –Critical – (culture jammers) –Mainstream –Fans The audience or users always has some choice –But they are not always aware of it
Highlights The nature and structure of the Internet is different from traditional media –Many to many communication –Open access for publishing and information retrieving –Limited censorship –Group –Global publishing –Information provision , news groups, mailing lists, World Wide Web
Highligths The Internet has the potential to be a highly democratic media It also has barriers and restrictions that can undermine it’s democratical potentials.
Interesting issues Other interesting angles worth pursuing: –New vs. Traditional media –Cultural barriers to participation Gender, age, race etc –Regulations of content –Copywright
New vs. traditional media Digitised Convergent –Functional –Industry –Product and services Interactive
The Internet vs. Traditional media Involves many forms of communication –One to one – few to few –One to many – few to many –Many to many – groups, communities –Allows instant talk back –Synchronic / asynchronic