Yashar Ganjali Computer Systems Laboratory Stanford University February 13, 2003 Optimal Routing in the Internet
February 13, 2002Optimal Routing2 Goal: improving performance, reducing costs Metrics: routing delay, maximum link utilization, packet loss rate, stability, convergence time after failures, … Load Balancing: reduces delay, maximum link utilization, etc. Current IP-backbone: Very limited load balancing Slow convergence time (BGP convergence up to 30 minutes)
February 13, 2002Optimal Routing3 Optimal Routing Abstract Model Given: Network G, commodities (s k, t k, d k ) and cost function D uv Minimize Conservation of flows Capacity constraints s1s1 t1t1 s2s2 s3s3 v u t2t2 t3t3
February 13, 2002Optimal Routing4 Cost associated with each link: Increasing Convex Finite Derivative u V f(uv) cost(uv)
February 13, 2002Optimal Routing5 Previous Results [Cantor 74] Linear Programming Centralized [Gallager 77] Distributed algorithm Network dependent [Bertsekas et al. 97] Distributed & Fast Approximation Single commodity [Plotkin et al. 95] Distributed Multicommodity Flow Algorithm Linear cost function New method Distributed Fast convergence Multicommodity Convex cost function
February 13, 2002Optimal Routing6 New Method Assumptions: conservation of flow constraint relaxed each commodity at each node is assigned an EXCESS The Algorithm tries to reduce the amount of excesses Each node divides the excesses among its adjacent links Each link adjusts flows based on the amount of excesses Running Time:
February 13, 2002Optimal Routing7 Future Work Sensitivity and stability analysis How sensitive the algorithm is to perturbations? Cost function Realistic cost function Implementations issues Where? How to cooperate with current routing protocols?