COMP1180 Review Date: 4 March, 2009 Time: 10:30am - 12:20pm Venue: –CS students -- FSC801C and FSC801D –IS and other students -- OEE1017 Remarks: – 1) Closed book & closed notes – 2) The test will be taken in written test format – 3) Covers everything up to recursive function – 4) Take alternate seat and work on your own – 5) Bring a calculator if you want (optional)
COMP1180 Review Assessment: 10% of the Grade Total Marks: 100 Expected Time to Finish: 100 Min. Format: –Short Questions on Programming and C Syntax (~20%) –Understanding the Program (~20%) –Program Tracing and its Output (~30%) –Function Writing (~30%)
COMP1180 Review Class Notes from the Text Book: –02 - Introduction to C Programming –03 - Structured Program Development –04 - C Program Control –05 - Functions Supplementary Notes from Prof. Joseph Ng –S02-printf_scanf.ppt –S03-C_Language.ppt –S04-Structured_Programming.ppt –S05-Functions.ppt All Lab Sheets from Lab1 to Lab5 (excluding Lab 0 & Lab3a)
COMP1180 Review Variables –Data Types – char, int, float, double –Variable Types – global, local, static, const –Naming, Declaration, and Initialization –Qualifiers – short, long, signed, and unsigned (skipped) Formatted input and output – scanf( ), printf( ) Assignment statements –Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, % –Precedence, associativity and integer division –Relational operators: >, >=, <, <=, ==, != –Logical operators: &&, || –Type conversion –Increment and decrement operators: ++, --, i++ vs. ++i –Assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, %= –Conditional operators: expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 (skipped)
COMP1180 Review Control flow –Statements and Blocks –IF statements if (expression) statement; if (expression) statement1; else statement2; If (exp != 0) vs. if (exp) Nested IF statements –SWITCH statement Default, break and switch vs. if –Loops –WHILE loop –FOR loop –DO WHILE loop –Nested loops –break and continue within a loop –goto and labels (skipped)
COMP1180 Review Arrays –One-dimension array – int A[20]; Declaration, initialization, accessing array elements –Multi-dimension array – int connect[18][18]; Declaration, initialization, accessing array elements –Character arrays – char s[10] ; End-of-string character (‘\0’); Functions –Return-type Function-name (Parameter List) –Function Prototype, Function Definition, and Function Call –Parameters vs. Arguments and Formal vs. Actual arguments –The return statement and type conversion –Scopes of variables: local vs. global vs. parameters vs. static –Call by values –Call by reference (skipped) –Recursive functions