Sustainability Science: What it is and what it’s not J. David Tàbara, Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015 Barcelona, 10 July
See: Clark, W. C. P. J. Crutzen, & H. J. Schellnhuber, Science for Global Sustainability: Toward a New Paradigm. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Chapter 1. Available at : chap1.pdf
FIRST BOOK ON SUSTAINABIILTY SCIENCE: Kasemir, B.; J. Jäger; & C. Jaeger, M. T. Gardner, M.T. (Eds) Public Participation in Sustainability Science. A handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kasemir, B.; J. Jäger; & C. Jaeger, M. T. Gardner, M.T. (Eds) Public Participation in Sustainability Science. A handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available in Catalan for educational non-commercial purposes at:
RECOMMENDED READING: Jäger, Jill The Governance of science for sustainability. In: W. Neil Adger and A. Jordan. Governing Sustainability. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press.
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The Ulysses collages INTEGRATING MULTIPLES LANGUAGES AND KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATIONS: The future of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona in 2050 if we continue with the same trends in the consumption of energy and resources as we have done so far…
The Matisse project: Integrated Sustainability Assessment. To explicitly address issues of transition and power in a multi-level, multi-domain, integrated and participatory manner and to explore multiple solution interdependencies.
Traditional Science versus Sustainability Science (adapted from Roger Kasperson) TRADITIONAL SCIENCE Curiosity-driven Value free Divide and conquer No direct policy user Reduce and eliminate the rest Expert / corporate dominated Profit /prestige seeking Linear evolution of knowledge Product focused (paper, patent, …) SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE Problem-driven; problem-solving Value inclusive Integrate and be open Potential users included Systemic, complex system based Extended peer-reviewed Socially relevant Non-linear evolution of knowledge Place-based analysis Process focused, capacity building
Linking global social-ecological systems (SES) systems thinking and LOCAL practice. Linking global social-ecological systems (SES) systems thinking and LOCAL practice. Focus on INTERACTIONS between social- ecological systems. Focus on INTERACTIONS between social- ecological systems. Assess impacts and consequences of science and technology innovations and products in social-ecological STOCKS AND FLOWS. Assess changes in sustainability base. Assess impacts and consequences of science and technology innovations and products in social-ecological STOCKS AND FLOWS. Assess changes in sustainability base. Consider global and regional LIMITS to resource use, beyond ecoefficiency, to avoid rebound effects. Consider global and regional LIMITS to resource use, beyond ecoefficiency, to avoid rebound effects. 1. ‘THINK GLOBALLY, RESEARCH LOCALLY’
2. DEMOCRATISING ‘REAL’ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES. Engaging society to support sustainability transformations. The real challenge of sustainability is one of democracy, equity and responsibility. The real challenge of sustainability is one of democracy, equity and responsibility. Sustainability science won’t be possible unless it can contribute to the real democratisation of science and technology practices and decisions. Contribute to a more equal access of resource use decisions and resource appropriation institutions. It demands the engagement of many constituencies and building of new partnerships, based on new opportunities to reduce inequality, increase cooperation and improve welfare.
3. SOCIAL LEARNING: Continuous reframing of goals and means Constant questioning of the ultimate goals of science and technology, and their societal functions. Avoid the fiction of ‘science without context’. Consider the possibilities of sustainability learning in powerful institutions and organisations. Go beyond thinking science and technology in terms of problem-solutions and start framing knowledge practices as part of social-ecological systems PROCESSES AND FEEDBACKS. INTEGRATION is the main source of learning, but not only between different scientific disciplines (‘risky integration, e.g. ciber-biology) but between science and the real problems and needs.
We need to move from thinking about ‘what is the (persistent) problem’ but who is the (persistent) problem… To assign responsibilities, ownership and transformative capacities to agents in a relational way. And from not knowing the solution before knowing the problems… (e.g. mainstream economics, some technologies…). All should be placed in particular SES conditions. New integrated framings: avoid false dualisms (e.g. between nature and society) and ‘ecological exemptionalism’. 4. Help framing problems differently
GOVERNING SCIENCE TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE The governance of science is necessary to ensure the sustainability of science. Governance entails action and engagement beyond the traditional boundaries of science. Sustainability science should help assessing not only vulnerabilities but also new opportunities for (sustainable) development. Sustainability science is not necessary a threat to mainstream science, but only to those practices of science which do actually contribute to unsustainability. Sustainability science is a necessary complement to mainstream science, because it builds on it and needs it too.
Selected references: Kates, R. W., W. C. Clark, et al ‘Sustainability Science’. Science, 292: Clark, W. C. P. J. Crutzen, & H. J. Schellnhuber, Science for Global Sustainability: Toward a New Paradigm. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Kasemir, B.; J. Jäger; & C. Jaeger, M. T. Gardner, M.T. (Eds) Public Participation in Sustainability Science. A Handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Catalan translation for educational purposes only: secciogeografia/mediambient/cat/projecteMUGA/resultats/capitols/default.htm Jäger, J The Governance of science for sustainability. In: W. Neil Adger and A. Jordan. Governing Sustainability. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press. Tàbara, J. D. and C. Pahl-Wostl Sustainability Learning in Natural Resource Use and Management. Ecology and Society, 12 (2): 3. [online] URL: Tàbara, J. D ‘Una altra ciència és possible. La sostenibilogia en la societat del desconeixement’. Revista Àmbits, Tàbara, J. D (2003). 'Participatory Sustainability Assessment using computer models'. In P. Valkering, Amelung, B., Van der Brugge, R., & J. Rotmans. More puzzle Solving For Policy. Integrated Assessment from Theory to Practice. The Netherlands: International Institute of Integrative Studies - European Forum for Integrated Environmental Assessment. Maastricht: ICIS. ttp://